Mar 25, 2008 13:55
Yesterday my head exploded with an allergy reaction to something in the air. Something blooming most likely, but I haven't been able to trace the source. All I know is that my nose runs like a faucet and my sinuses are stuffed! Weird combo, but I can handle that. It is the pain in the bones of my face that is awful. Even my teeth ache. So that tells me that with the aching bones around my eyes and cheekbones, I will have to be careful this doesn't turn into a sinus infection.
Gaaah. I know it isn't a cold virus because my allergy reactions and viruses act in completely different ways. At first I wondered if it could be a cold virus, but noooooooo. The itching set right in and the watery eyes started up. No virus has ever made my throat and eyes itch and run.
So it's Claritin for me, laced with good old Benedryl and the attendant grogginess that comes with the stuff. At least I'm breathing through my nose a bit better. If the aching sinuses don't stop though, I'm going to have to up the ante from aspirin to codeine, which I'd rather not have to do.
I'm hoping that once I'm saturated with Claritin and the symptoms die down, I will be able to just stay on maintenance meds until September when the allergy stuff in the air goes away for a few months!
I want to be able to outside into the sunshine to enjoy the world and the Spring flowers soon. :o)