Nov 16, 2006 00:39
We are domestic goddesses.
I never thought I would have so much fun slaving all day in the kitchen and ending said day by washing countless plates and bowls...but I had a blast. Everyone seemed to get along really well, and all the Thanksgiving-ish foods we cooked turned out really well. An additional plus: We don't have mountains of leftovers, so by the time Thanksgiving actually gets here, we'll be ready to eat turkey again!
Indeed, it was a fulfilling day. Long and somewhat stressful, but fun and rewarding...and I feel very accomplished. We pulled off everything we set out to do with nary a hitch. (Ok...maybe one hitch. *ahem*). Plus, we baked a kick-ass apple strudel! we rock.
In fact, I'm fairly certain that the intent of this post was simply to reiterate how much we do, in fact, rock.