Aug 18, 2005 11:01

if you can read this, you're invited .... just get back to me and let me know if you plan to attend .... i'm attempting to calculate amounts of nourishment ......

okay, here's the deal: Sunday, September 4th starting at around 3:00 p.m. we'll be throwing open the doors, gates and windows and letting all comers in to throw stuff on the bbq, frolic in the pool and lounge on the deck. Should you wish to participate in this frenzy of activity, just drop me a line at stating your intention and the number of bods you foresee dragging along in your wake. You can also reach me at 450-974-3147 or 514-788-5454.

We will lay in supplies of tubular meats, munchies & soft drinks ... please feel free to bring whatever you wish to char, share or hog to yourself. Alcoholic beverages would also be welcome!!

Since this is taking place on a Sunday, those of you who wish to stay overnight are welcome to pitch a tent in the yard, doss down in their sleeping bags in our basement or place dibs on the various sofas.

If you own a bike and are interested in doing 30 or 40 km in the country, pls come in early Saturday with your bike and Steeve will lead a peleton out to Mirabel and St-Joseph sur le Lac ---- on Sunday morning there will be a 50km out to Oka and back .....
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