D3 musings

Jun 01, 2012 17:19

It's interesting that for once I feel like my melee characters are more powerful than my ranged (something that has always been an issue". My Demon Hunter in particular is wussy no matter how I skill her and use traps, etc. What's the point of having health globes drop in the melee radius if a ranged mob and I are going at each other from a distance? I wish my companion could pick them up for me.

I'm having the most fun right now with the Monk class. There's something amusing about dropping a giant BELL on someone's head and then pummeling it. *konnngggggg*

Witch Doctor is still annoying. I don't like the constant pee-squat hovering stance.

She's always standing like that, sorta wavering around with a dagger in one hand. ALWAYS. Who does that? Stand up straight! Sheesh!
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