Apr 19, 2009 09:47
They call it labor. (or if you're British, labour). And I guess it IS hard work. But I never thought it was that bad. Sure, at the peak of the contraction, you think, "I don't think I can do this anymore." But by the time you say those words, the peak is over and the contraction is easing. Then you relax, and for a few glorious moments, you feel nothing. You re-energize for the next one. I stayed home on the couch for almost my entire labor. The hard work didn't faze me, because I KNEW what the pay-off was going to be. I was going to have my very first, sweet little baby. I knew each contraction was bringing me closer to meeting this child.
And at the moment of birth, I will never forget those words spoken by the doctor:
"It's a girl !" and my response, "Oh, I REALLY wanted a girl !"
Erin Elizabeth......calm, inquisitive and wise. I had never experienced such a feeling of contentment. I loved her from the moment she was placed in my arms, and have never stopped.
Rick went home, put on a Keith Jarrett album, watched the sun rise, and cried. And I lay in my hospital bed, staring into the eyes of my daughter, as she stared back into mine.
Happy 29th birthday to my Erin, my first born. You make me laugh....you make me think...you challenge me to be a better person. I am very lucky to have you for a daughter.
erin's 29th