strange things

Sep 17, 2004 07:09

go through my mind when i'm listening to the radio alone in the car. i'd just left joan keyser, fierce breastfeeding advocate and dedicated attachment parenter. she is 89. her kids visit often and she herself lives on the independent side of the building.

"you can't spoil the kids by lovin' 'em," she declares. "oh! i used to get so cross with people who would tell me to leave the babies to cry."

"yeah - what is wrong with those people??" i am her biggest fan. this woman is 89. she probably invented attachment parenting.

she also has a distinct preference for breastfeeding. she was waited on hand and foot by her husband while she fed the kids, and she overproduced - so she sent it all to a milk bank 'for those poor babies' who wouldn't have got any otherwise. listen - you gotta love joan keyser.

in the car, i don't put the radio on when the clients are with me. usually, musical tastes clash, and it's pointless to try to guess. plus, we're usually chatting anyway. if someone is sick and on the way to an appointment or not feeling chatty, or is missing so many marbles i can't have a conversation with them, i'll sometimes put on the classical station because it's very soothing. in any case, as soon as i'm alone, i crank it.

i've been bringing my own music, because there are so many annoying DJs and their inane chatter is too much to bear. yesterday, i forgot. the radio plays the same songs over and over, even if you only listen once in a while like i do. you'd be shocked how many times i've turned it on just to say to myself, 'that's the same song that was on last time!' and shut it off, 'cause it sucked just as bad then.

there was a bloom county cartoon where the parents are going out to a billy joel concert and their horrified son is standing by as they go all "Super-Cool" (in fact, "Super-Geek") Parents on him on the way out the door. they're singing 'piano man'. until yesterday on the radio, i'd never heard this song. now that i have, that cartoon springs to mind... egads. i don't know if a more horrible song exists; i was transfixed, like a train wreck. i couldn't enjoy it, yet i couldn't shut it off. how long would it go on? fascinating in the most horrible way.

with joan's breastfeeding manifesto ringing in my ears, and my brain working desperately to escape the monotonous and uninspired lyrical work of one billy joel, new ones emerged in their stead:

bare us a boob there, breastfeeding mom/ bare us a boob tonight/ 'cause we're all in the mood for a mammary/ and boob's got us feedin' all right!

my mind is a strange, strange playground. i don't recommend going there if you can avoid it.
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