Oct 11, 2006 19:59
Things are a bit more promising today. First of all, although I am at present occupying a temporary post, I myself am still permanent. Which is very good news! Also, I can take the severance package if I want to. So I went and had a nice long chat to Maureen who is the Unison Rep. A bit odd going into the Learning Centre again, but not as upsetting as I thought it might be.
Anyway, Although it would be a good idea to check what I'm entitled to from the State regarding things like the Dole, and to check what outgoings are protected for job loss, Maureen thought I'd probably be better staying on in college. Apart from the regular income aspect, she pointed out that you're on a stronger basis job hunting when you're at work that when you haven't got a job. Plus, come July next year when my salary protection finishes, college are supposed to have found me suitable alternative employment - which she says would be nothing less than a scale lower than I'm on now. That's what she'd fight for anyway.
Then there is the option of redundancy - if there is no suitable job I can possibly force them into that, which by then would be 14 years 8 months of working for them. I'd get 1 week for every year of service plus my pension made up to retirement age and released.
Finance want to hang onto me, as they are chronically short staffed - they were cut far too much last term and simply cannot function. Just having me there has freed up the 2 part-timers who staff the Fees Desk to catch up on their other jobs that just hadn't got done - and wouldn't get done without me. They are going to try to keep me past the end of the month even though there isn't a proper post there, and also want me to use part of my time to cover the maternity leave for one of the Fees Desk staff - she goes at Christmas. This despite me dropping maths when I took my options at school back in the Dark Ages! I am at least balancing my till at night now! And I only once counted £10 notes as £20s, and wondered why I was £300+ out!!! It's nice to be wanted and needed.
Today my application to Roundhay School went into the post. My application for the 2 posts at the Dept. of Health is just about ready - and that is an online application that closes on the 20th. My confidence is on the up again after a dreadful weekend, when I felt sick all the time. At least I know that they have to pay me to get rid of me!