Nov 03, 2014 16:33
It's fall. As in today. Yesterday was kind of chilly, but today it's definitely fall. It's about time, really. Halloween was disturbingly warm. My kids didn't need jackets (in fact I think they were hot at the beginning) and walking around in short sleeves when it's dark trick or treating just seems wrong. My kids have been OD'ing on their candy like it's going out of style, but Mat and I prefer the whole "get it over with" method so hopefully it should be gone today. Saturday, my birthday, the day after Halloween, they were up early eating Halloween candy in front of the TV. Luckily we've been able to hold Bram off and he's only had maybe two suckers total, although all the chocolate in his Elmo bucket has been pulverized from him picking it up and squeezing it before I can get him to put it back.
So we have appointments for getting the snow tires put on, even though snow isn't officially in the forecast for a little while. I do love the manly clicking of my studded snow tires. I feel cool. And safe. And like I could climb up to my mountain home in my mini van like I will have to do when it snows so that's always conforting.
My birthday was good. Lots of calls, lots of remembrances from friends and family, so that's fun. I'm 35 now, which is crazy, and I can't help but think that there's something strange about being 35 and pregnant. Like I'm old but doing a young person's thing. Oh well. 28 weeks and counting. It's not like I'm alone in Mormonland. Women my age and older have children here all the time. And we're excited--it's going to be crazy having a girl! Pretty soon we're going to have to start doing some rearranging of rooms and such but not yet. And putting Bram in a toddler bed (even though he'll for sure be napping in a crib) just seems like something I'm not ready to conquer.
It's time for "Reflections," which I am in charge of, and so my life will be crazy for about the next five days as we collect/judge/turn in/assembly/turn into district entries. It's rewarding for the kids and I'm obviously a supporter of the arts, so I'm glad I can do something to help, but it's always the annoying minutae of it all that gets to me. Like the stupid parent that wants their kid's entry to be judged even though it's late and I've been sending emails/notes/texts home to the entire parent student body for months that no late entries are accepted. Whatever. You can't please everyone. And if worse comes to worse, they can fire me, right? Haha Like any parent in our school would willingly volunteer to take over Reflections. It's frustrating, actually, that so few of us are willing to help out with stuff like this. We have parent volunteers at the classroom level, but when it comes to stuff that benefits everybody, there is a small group that does everything and then by centrifugal force drags their friends into it. People would miss Reflections (or whatever other PTA program there is) but they don't want to do it. blah