The Week With Many Names

Apr 24, 2014 13:45

I debated about what to call last week. Here were some close contenders:
The Week Bram Was Super Sick
The Week We Lived On One Rotisserie Chicken
The Week We Went to the Doctor Three Times
The Week I Watched "Frozen" Everyday, All Day
The Week Nothing Got Done
and a little clunkier but not to be passed over:
The Week Bram Tried All Different Medications and Not All of Them Worked and Some of Them Did

Anyway. So maybe you can see what kind of week it was.

I took Bram and Eli in on Tuesday for a well child check for both of them, also with the hopes of getting Bram's cough listened to. With school kids it seems Bram gets sick at least once a month with some kind of minor cold, but this time the cough was really bad. Sure enough, the doctor could hear a rattle in his lungs so he had to be started on Albuterol breathing treatments. If you think it's easy to get an 18-month-old to breath into a mask for two breaths, you've got another thing coming. They did one initial long breathing treatment in the office (for ten minutes, which was a joke) and then we had to go get our own smaller version of it. This was annoying as my usual pharmacy did not have it. However, Sam's Club did, miraculously, as someone had ordered one and not picked it up. I did some shopping there and got my tires changed back to my normal tires from my studded snow tires and got my prescription. All with the sickest sounding baby ever.

He proceeded to get sicker. It was a really narsty virus that first attacked his lungs, then gave him a relatively high fever (102.6) for three days, and that included dosing him with both Motrin and Tylenol. He was listless and groggy and would fall asleep in my arms, which is something he never does. We sat on the couch watching "Frozen," his favorite movie ever (and the only movie he will ever watch for any length of time). Luckily it's a fun movie and also he let me read while holding him. I feel like writing a personal thank you note to Olaf and Sven but, ya know, they're cartoons. Anyway, he was getting worse and worse, although his breathing was getting better, so I took him back to the doctor on Friday evening, and it turned out that his chest had indeed healed but he had double ear infections, so they gave us some Amoxycillin. When I went to change his diaper on Saturday evening, he was completely broken out in spots everywhere, so I called the doctor and went back in (knowing full well he was probably allergic to the antibiotics, but I still had to go in). The doctor was in the room for literally 20 seconds and then I had to drive around trying to find a pharmacy open at 9:30 at night to get new antibiotics. Luckily I found one, got the new medication, got home and got my super sick baby to bed.

The next morning was Easter (because amidst all this, time marches on), and although Bram was feeling a little better, he looked like a leper with spots all over his face and body as well as he was still kind of feverish and not feeling great. However, church could not be missed as not only was I the organist, but I was also playing piano for the choir, accompanying a soloist, playing the harp, Mat was singing in a trio (accompanied by me), and Gabe was singing a solo (accompanied by me). FYI--we did not volunteer for these things, we were asked to do them. Lest you thing we like to take over church meetings. Luckily we have some good friends who were able to hold Bram during the takeover and not be put off by his leprous state.

He seems to be fine this week. He's healed and although still on the antibiotics, I think we're in the clear. And now I've done the dishes and actually cooked some dinner and done some laundry and things look much better for everyone when those things get done.
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