Oct 21, 2010 17:22
So, I've noticed that it's been over 2 years since I've posted... Hm!
Well, I started on LJ to keep up with my far flung Friends, and most of them moved to FaceBook. So for a while I abandoned LJ, but I'm back!
For the past 2 1/2 years I've been unemployed, taking temp jobs when they came up, but I haven't been idle.
I have my own Jewelry Company: ByWater Craft & Kenning. I've been SO inspired by my SCA career that I started making chain-maille jewelry. Also wire wrapped pendants & bracelets. Some of this can be seen at www.bywatercraftandkenning.com. I'm calling it a business, because I'm treating it like one. Right now things are slow, but with the next 3 shows coming up, BCK, should become a self sustaining hobby. That's my primary goal THIS year. Two other goals that I've already met this past year was to sell at a Boutique at the local mall, and to sell at Pennsic.
I may not be able to quit my day gig.... oh, wait, this IS my day gig.... :)
Wish me luck!!