May 29, 2012 15:36
Why I won't have Instagram on my phone any time soon. Simply put, its fucking stupid, but let me flesh this out some.
We developed technology some time ago to take pictures. They took forever to come to light and we slowly improved the tech behind it all over time. For the longest time we had the Polaroid for quick pics that captured moments in an instant along with instant gratification in seeing the picture develop before your eyes. We also had photo houses developing other film for us in an hour or less. From there we moved on to digital cameras that have only gotten better and better with resolution and speed and well, everything. Now we can take HD pics with some of our phones.
So what do we do with this technology? We make a fucking app that turns those HD pics into something that LOOKS LIKE it was taken with the technology of yester-year.
You know what also does that? THE TECHNOLOGY FROM YESTER-YEAR!!! Go on ebay, find an old ass camera, learn how to dev your own film if need be and take some pics with that if you so desperately want to make that effect. Or learn photoshop. Or GIMP even.
I'll leave you with this quote from the iTunes store about Instagram. Not kidding. Its there. I just have no words beyond this:
"It makes pictures have more meaning .Especially when you take pictures at Disney... The land of meaning."
The land of meaning. FML.