Title: An Explosive Day
Author: aunteeneenah
Rating: K
Word Count: 100
Characters: Connor and Claudia
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine. I just bend them to suit my needs and then put them back together. I make nothing from this.
Summary: People find their fun where they can.
A/N: This is a way, way, way, belated birthday fic for sweet anniemouse101 who wanted badass!Connor and Claudia. I am so sorry this has taken so long to get to you. Forgive me? This is from a AU I created where Connor and, it turns out, Claudia, are secret agents.
“Now why’d you have to go and do a thing like that?” growled Connor as he viewed the smoking ruins of his old car.
“Because I can and because it’s fun,” replied Claudia happily.
“I only said I had to get rid of me old car. Didn’t say you should blow the bloody thing up!” grumbled Connor in return. Although, he had to admit, it had been a lovely explosion.
Claudia just laughed, “Practice makes perfect and I had some old dynamite that was past it’s ‘sell-by’ date.”
Connor then smirked, “How do you plan to explain this to Lester?”