Prayer request, please ~

Aug 22, 2008 00:37

This has been a very busy day.  I was watching the grandchildren last night and today as my daughter-in-law’s father had surgery.  He was told he had a tumor on one kidney and they were going to remove the kidney.  Then when they got inside I guess there was some encroachment on to the liver so a part of the liver was also removed.  He is 60 years of age.  He also has some problem with anemia during this time and has had several blood transfusions before surgery.  He is to undergo chemo after he recovers from this surgery.

We are all praying that the doctors were able to remove all of the cancer and that he will be able to recover completely.  If you are so inclined, may I ask that you lift him up in prayer for this ordeal?  Thank you and I’ll post again when more news is known.  ((hugs))
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