Things that have made me ridiculously happy lately

Jul 22, 2006 00:29

Yeah, I'm cheesy.

-Playing the "who's dad is crazist game" with Ben, Rachel, and Jason and TOTALLY winning. Yes, I'm competitive about everything.
-Clerks II (I'm so sorry Jesus!)
-Bringing Porch Monkey back.
-Bennigans with Rachel and FREE drinks and good conversation with men that were not hitting on us.
-Kalem visiting! Lots of quality Kalem and Cecily driving time.
-The fact that Jackie is now of legal drinking age.
-The fact that Catie can now buy porn, lotto, and cigarettes (which we did).
-Following the tradition started with Will, Jackie, Aileen, and I by teaching Andy how to be smooth (Bra Unhooking 101).
-Talking to my Raechal on the phone, because it doesn't happen enough. For that matter, Raechal visiting a couple weeks ago.
-New facebook picture (I am all things awesome).
-A certain very nice, very funny, very cute boy.
-Marie being back in the States and talking to her.
-Talking to my cousin Natalie and her crazy husband. :)
-Stupid dating shows. Thats right, Blinddate and Elimidate.
-Funny jewgirls (and boys). I heart Sarah Silverman. I kind of want to have her babies.
-Spinal Tap. Turning it to eleven.
-Chocolate shakes (Braums rocks my socks).
-Making it very easy for the Detrick kids to talk me into playing past their bedtime.
-Kitties. I miss Olivia.
-Making fun of managers with my co-workers at ATL.
-Making fun of my co-workers with my managers at ACL.
-The 100+ degree weather - it feels like summer. I love the weight of the heat.
-Getting a call from Will and everyone last night!
-Everyone resending me their numbers (hint, hint).
-Jens Lekman. Yes, I know I'm obsessed right now.

And now I'm hungry, again. Night!
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