(no subject)

Feb 20, 2006 00:34

TMEA was pretty ridiculously amazing, as always. I had so much fun hanging out with friends that I won't see again for months (tear). Highlights have to be the all-state choir, Smithfield/Birdville choir concert, crashing the TCU reunion (I still say its not crashing if you're invited by that many students), Thursday night pool, and my sessions going so well. And getting a pretty bad ass group of officers elected with me. I'm officially el presidente, no more el presidente elect. Pressure!
Playing so much phone tag with Raech is both ridiculous and frustrating - there's so much to talk about (um, yes, new since yesterday). I miss my best friend damnit!
I'm eating red hots. ;) And procrastinating.

Oh yeah! I have a new roommate as of this past Monday. Always exciting on South 1st...
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