Okay, first off, I found out this weekend that I absolutely cannot take
Nexium. Dr. Tummy figured I wouldn't be able to take it, but included some samples in with the bag of Dexilant samples he'd given me to tide me over until we get this issue resolved, and told me to try it for at least five days.
So... I started it on Thursday and had a mildly irritating headache by mid morning, but taking a little ibuprofen helped. Friday, the headache was worse, but again, a little ibuprofen helped. However, I was also starting to have mild stomach discomfort, my sinuses, which had been clearing, started getting stuffy again, and my mouth was dry. Saturday, I couldn't shake the headache, which was getting worse, I was nauseous, and couldn't drink enough water. Sunday, though... Sunday, I got the Migraine to End All Migraines. I got the kind of migraine I haven't had since my pregnancy with the Impertinent One, which sort of "fixed" my migraines. They were never as severe again.
Until Sunday.
I took Aleve, which... did nothing. I took a hot shower which... yeah, did nothing at all. My family hid the scissors and buzz cutters because, oh, how I wanted to shave my head!! I finally told the Husbandly One that I was going to take some hydrocodone and phenergan and go to bed.
Now, normally, I can read a bit, or crochet to occupy my far too active mind when I'm down with a headache but... words skipped around on the page, and I couldn't focus enough to do any sort of handwork. I couldn't even listen to soft music. Finally, I got a blindfold, covered my eyes, and went to sleep for about five hours.
I haven't done that sort of thing in years!
So, yeah, not taking the little purple pills any more!! No thanks!!
I am vastly entertained, however, to find out that THO's boss is hugely regretting having gone with InHumane Care. He's had issues with his dentist over the new insurance, things that InHumane Care won't cover that need to be done, another employee had his doctor outright refuse to take his insurance, so he had to drive all the way over to the other side of Austin to find a doctor who would accept InHumane Care, it just goes on and on. So, apparently, the boss is thinking of dropping InHumane Care and going with someone else. I sure hope he does, because this is ridiculous!
I'm anticipating having issues getting my Singulair refilled today, which should be FUN!!