May 16, 2006 11:08
being the worst LJ keeper in candia and conquered environs is tough, i tells ya. so before i disappear into the swamps for another 2 months, let me scrawl a few thingies:
1) yeah, it rained, but nothing like north of boston/new hampshire. the cape, in fact, tends to get LESS severe weather than across the canal, barring occasional hurricanes. less rain, less snow, less cold, less hot. more boring. at least here in the extra boring mid-cape.
2) still trying to find an affordable flight, but starting to lose hope. damn damn damn.
3) dance concert this weekend, with rotator-cuff-tendonitis boy. he's a machine, however, and will perform admirably despite raging pain. i lost 5 pounds to make it easier on him, but may have gained it back putting whipping cream into my coffee all last week.
4) have now piled so many workshops and classes into my july and august (teaching, not taking), that i may have to take another summer vacation after it's done. i need my head checked. anyone who wants to make papier-mache masks and do some contact improv, come on by.
5) looking forward to a visit from lauradoll and then the 'rents and then possibly indiana (see number 2) and then home to candia proper for two weeks at the end of june. there will be lots of gin involved, and some theatre.
6) got tickets to go to jacob's pillow at the end of august to see mark morris and rubberband dance. last year i had a fabulous time--it was the closing weekend--and the weather was wonderful and it was just so excellently woodsy and artsy and berkshire-y.
7) on a completely not humourous note, cancer has been collecting friends and acquaintances this past week. i will miss you, pam and beth.
there you have it.