Buddy 2011

Mar 08, 2011 19:26

It has been a long time since I've done a Buddy update - his fans have been very patient. This Friday, according to his papers, he will be 5 years old (he is probably older, but we have no way of knowing since he started life as a stray).

The dog who had some health issues, was scared and aggressive has turned into a healthy, calm, comfortable and happy four-legged child. He likes meeting people and dogs, loves walking his neighborhood, is happy to welcome visitors in his house and is Mr. Cool as a Cucumber when he has to spend a day or two at the boarding place.

The coolest thing is that he finally likes to play like a real dog! While he doesn't play for long extended periods of time, he does bring me toys and will "ask" me (if you have a dog, you know they communicate with us - if you don't, I feel sorry for you!) to go outside to run around in the backyard with him.

He is not perfect; he sometimes gets too wild with some people (he thinks they are dogs and/or wants to have their puppies...), but it is playful - not meant to be aggressive. I, of course, think he is the best dog in the universe (and totally understand if you feel the same about yours).

So please do come visit us at Buddy's Bed & Breakfast...
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