Title: Balancing Act
Fandoms: Doctor Who, Heroes.
Pairings: Mylar, Plaude, Doctor/Master
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,379 (aprox.)
Warnings/Spoilers: S3 of Doctor Who, V1 of Heroes.
Disclaimer: I do not own Heroes, Tim Kring does. I do not own Doctor Who, the BBC does. Please do not sue me, I don’t think they allow Heroes marathons in prison …
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How did all these people get to comment before me?! Where was I yesterday?? *thinks* *can't remember due to the AWESOMEMADEOFWIN that is this fic* I'm almost disappointed I missed the typo-version; that's quite a slip, there ;D And so many... implications... :P
Hee hee hee ... *blushes* Yeah, someday I'll write a crack-fic in which Sylar IS the Master and Mohinder is the Doctor and that's why they never meet Claude because Claude is Nine.
Well, when you give someone like me a word like 'Effulgence' I automatically think 'William's bloody awesome poetry!' and Mohinder's Mohinder-lizard needed a story.
I think, if I had to choose, my favorite part is poor Unnamed Chameleon Lizard Who May Be Called 'Hannibal'. I actually laughed out loud (okay, there may have been a snort first) when I first read that ""Let's name him Hannibal!" "We are not naming the lizard Hannibal."" ZOMiGosh, LOVE! And then the little thing goes and falls asleep- aww! Stupid, stupid lizard- what were you thinking?! ;P
Hee hee hee ... that was the easiest part to write. (Btw I've never seen 'Silence of the Lambs.' Too scary for me. I can't stand serial-killer horror/psychologial thriller movies. But I thought it would fit.)
Well, the lizard had had a very trying day! Being grabbed by Sylar and petted by Mohinder ... lucky lizard!
Thank you SOOO MUCH for this! It's ... wait for it ... fanTAStic!!
*beams* Awwwww, you're welcome! And yaaaaaaaaaaay for being 'Fantastic!' YAHOO!
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