Title: Claire-Watch
Rating: PG-13 ish …
Word Count: 775 (approximately … gimme a break, the play opens next week!)
Pairing: Claire/Elle (one-sided … for now)
Summary: “Don’t let her see you … no more confrontations, young lady!”
Disclaimer: I do not own Heroes. If I did, Mohinder would be making out with SYLAR instead of Maya in that promo clip, thank you very much!
A/N: Yes, Elle DID spy on Claire at Claire’s old high-school in Texas. (Elle got Haitian’d after threatening Zach, and got beat up by Eden after a run-in with Mr. Muggles and the sprinklers, I kid you not!) It’s in Graphic Novel #63 and 64.
*slump* Ok, it's already tomorrow, but I DID finish this! *staggers off to bed* It's probably awful, and I haven't written femeslash in AGES, and even when I did it wasn't very detailed and ... *headdesk* I'm going to bed now ... affffffffffffffffffffffffffafffjlajfg;g;lkaeo ...
Prompt: "Cravings" (
(Edit: August 5th, 2008: this won 3rd place! Thank you to everyone who voted for me! *blushes and beams*)
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elle_claire Elle craves a lot of things. Most she takes automatically, without asking (and if there’s protest, hey, that’s what electricity is for.) Elle’s a big fan of instant gratification and doesn’t see the point of winning a prize and not enjoying it then and there.
Which is why Elle is having such a goddamn difficult time with a certain teenage girl whose name rhymes with ‘bear.’
Last year Elle was sent on her first assignment: Claire-Watch. “Someday you might be taking orders from her …” her daddy had told her after handing her Claire’s file. Elle snorts at the memory: like hell.
Still, ever since that boring-ass stint at Union Well’s High School, Elle’s mind has never completely drifted away from the blond pipsqueak.
Actually, Elle realizes one day as she’s spying (again) on Claire (this time in California), if she had to think of one word to describe the little cheerleader, it would be ‘cocktease.’ Of course, Elle doesn’t have a cock, but if Elle did, she’s certain that Claire would give her an erection the size of the Eiffel Tower.
Which is why, when she sees Claire heading for her on day at the coast, she purposely spills her slurpy on herself - looking all wide-eyed and embarrassed as she does - so that she and Claire can have a face-to-face chat.
The following exchange - Claire looking all intense and threatening Elle and her daddy - is totally worth Elle’s stained shirt. Couldn’t keep your hands off me, could you, sweetie? Elle thinks to herself later on, giggling out loud.
After the ‘Sylar-fiasco’ (her dad’s words, not Elle’s) Elle is put back on Claire-Watch. Even after Noah Bennet dissuaded weepy, earnest Claire from going public, the Company wasn’t letting their guard down, strained as they were with agents disappearing, turning on the Company, or being killed by mistake.
Though it wasn’t as boring as last time, Elle wasn’t allowed the treat of spending entire hours in the same room as Claire. “Don’t let her see you … no more confrontations, young lady!” were Bob Butler’s exact words.
So Elle has to restrain herself. She can’t grab Claire, tie her up in a hotel room, and spin a shiny little lie that this is what the Company ordered …
So instead, Elle gets creative.
When all the Bennets are away at school and work, Elle finds the hide-a-key, opens the door, and wanders the house to her heart’s content.
If the stupid dog is being a nuisance, Elle simply locks it in a closet or the brother’s room. (She’d tried to make nice with the fluffy little thing, but it just didn’t like her. What did dogs know, anyway? He’d probably snapped and growled when Sylar paid the family a visit last year in Texas …)
Elle spends these midday hours in Claire’s room, burying her face in the pillows on her bed; or in the laundry room, digging through the baskets until she found an item of clothing that belonged to Claire and breathing in the girl’s scent.
Once, when she’s feeling particularly daring, she takes a shower in the upstairs bathroom and used Claire’s shampoo and conditioner. For days afterwards she can close her eyes and daydream of a pair of perfect pink lips hovering over her.
It’s around this time that Claire begins to haunt Elle’s feverish, blurry dreams. It’s nauseating and arousing all at once, but Elle is used to those combined sensations by now.
Elle’s tempted to steal Claire’s blue cheerleading outfit and watch from afar as the little brat tears apart he house searching for her precious uniform.
Instead she parks outside the stadium during a football game and watches the girl cheer. Even through binoculars, seeing Claire in that tight blue number makes sparks flicker from Elle’s hands.
Maybe one of these days Elle’s daddy will decide Claire’s too much of a risk and order Elle to bring her in.
Maybe Elle will get to train Bennet’s little angel. (Bennet’s kept in a cell most of the time. Sometimes Elle visits him, and their conversations vary from taunts to Claire-tales to reminiscings on Claude - Elle misses the invisible man almost as much as Bennet does.)
Maybe, because the ‘one of us, one of them’ set-up has been falling apart ever since Bennet put a couple bullets in Claude, Elle and Claire will go out on missions together.
Maybe Claire will break down and warm up to Elle, see the older girl in a different light after some thrilling chase …
Maybe Elle won’t have to take what she’s been craving: maybe what she craves will come to her.