*has the inexplicable urge to cry*
Oh, yeah, before I launch into discussion, you should all follow the linky below and watch Act 1, 2, and 3. (3 was just posted today, I found out about it Thursday evening, 's all good.) Yes, it's called "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog" and for the first few minutes of the first act, it seems a little silly ... and then they starts SINGING. When Nathan Fillion leaps down and begins belting out in a wonderfully campy fashion, I was sold on the spot.
Oh, and did I mention it's created by JOSS WHEDON?!
And I didn't even KNOW it was his until I was halfway through Act 2!
So, yeah, the general gist is about this guy called Billy, aka 'Dr. Horrible' who wants to be a supervillain. He's in love with this beautiful girl, Penny, who goes to the same laundromat as he does. (The actress played one of the Chosen in S7 of Buffy, but don't hold that against her.) Dr. Horrible himself is played by this-guy everyone but ME seems to recognize. I personally thought he was the guy who played Elton in 'Love and Monsters' but a quick jaunt to IMDb quashed that suspicion. The wonderful Nathan Fillion plays 'Captain Hammer' one of the campiest characters ever to win my heart and make me shriek with hysterical laughter the moment he appeared.
Fantastic music, songs that are garunteed to get stuck in your head, hilarious moments, a surprising lack of slash (I KNOW, isn't that WEIRD for me?!) and if you do not want to give Dr. Horrible a hug by the end of the first Act, I will doubt your humanity.
Bad Horse, BAD HORSE, BAD HORSE FTW! *dances away*
(Btw, does anyone know if there's gonna be more?! The ending is ... IT CANNOT END LIKE THAT, DAMNIT!)
(Edit: I finally got an iTunes account ... just so I could buy these. Best 6 bucks I ever spent. Also, guys, it's going to vanish tonight at midnight, so if you love it, buy it unless you wanna wait for the DVD!
Also, Billy/Dr. Horrible has two hardcover copies of HP6 and two hardcover copies of HP7. It's on the bookcase to the left of the big chair at the end of Act 2. What's that all about? Did he want to prevent someone from getting a copy, so he pre-ordered TWO in an attempt to be EVIL? Or does he just love HP?
Also, Captain Hammer should go campily evil and call himself 'Nail Gun.')