What aunt_zelda Thinks: There's No Place Like Home (Parts 2 & 3)

May 31, 2008 18:41

Ok, just so we're clear? Once again we've got more damn questions than answers. *sigh* Damn this show ... *stayed up until 1:45 AM to finish the damn episode just the same*

Yesterday I heard that there were three possible-endings for the finale that were filmed and being broadcasted. Thankfully (for my sanity, as well as the entire Lost-community) that was someone misinterpreting the fact that the finale was two hours long, instead of one, and shown in two parts.

While still under the impression that there were three possible endings, I hoped that in one of them Patchy (the Immortal One-Eyed Russian Guy) sunk the Boat and then moved into Jacob’s (vacated) cabin with Charlie, aka his uke, but, as you all saw, that was not the case.

*sigh* You can’t always get what you waaaaaaant …

Also, discovered this ridiculously awesome band, ‘Previously on Lost’ which is HILARIOUS, so if you’ve seen every episode of Lost, go here and listen to the songs:

http://www.myspace.com/previouslyonlostmusic (I know, I don’t have a myspace, I’m one of those five weirdos who doesn’t, but these songs are HILARIOUS.)

Lost Season 4 Finale

Previously on Lost:

Jack has a savoir-complex, there’s a bunch of C4 on the Boat, Kate and Sayid are kidnapped by Richard and the Others, Ben’s brilliant plan is to get captured, in the O6 press conference Sayid confirms that there is NO WAY there are ANY survivors besides the ones we see at the table. Then there are those two scenes from LAST season’s finale, the one that made us all screech and blink and swear, where Jack is a crazy junkie with a Nathan-S2-Beard and Kate is shiny and pretty and there’s a coffin with SOMEONE in it, I dunno who YET. Jack yelps “We have to go back, Kate!”

Kate throws her product-placement car into reverse. She leaps out of it to yell and cry at Jack, pissed off that she can’t explain to Aaron why Jack isn’t there to read to him anymore, and why Jack asked if she went to some guy she thought was crazy “Jeremy Benthem’s” funeral, which makes me blink and go ‘eh?’ … which is my general reaction to almost everything on this show that doesn’t make me squee ‘HoYay!’

Apparently Kate’s spent ‘the last three years’ trying to forget all the ‘horrible things’ that happened the day they left the Island. She’s very insulted that Jack is asking her to go back. During the course of this whole exchange, Kate slaps Jack for saying Aaron’s name. She also manages to look damn fine, despite being all red from crying. Yes, I’m watching this vaguely-disturbing girl-crush I’ve got on Evangaline Lily, don’t you fret …

We flash-back (I suppose … depends on the whole time-travel BS they cooked up for this season …) we ‘whatever’ to Jack and Sawyer crashing through the jungle looking for the Orchid so they can save Hurley (and maybe Locke) from the crazy men with guns who want Ben.

“Course you’re fine, you’re always fine,” Sawyer harrumphs when Jack insists he’s ‘fine,’ blissfully unaware of the Jawyer slashes I’ve discovered recently.

Then Sawyer calls Jack ‘Sundance.’ *sporfles* Someone should make a list of all the nicknames Sawyer’s ever bestowed upon people. If someone has, please gimme a linky!

They find Hurley and there’s this awkward moment when Hurley and Jack exchange pleasantries, seeing as about five days ago (or however this stupid timeline of Lost works) Hurley chose not to become a Jackalope.

Jack, Sawyer, and Hurley run up to Locke, who’s examining some plants or whatever. There’s some awkwardness with his and Jack’s meeting, seeing as, during the split, the other main characters, the secondary characters, Scott/Steve, the hither-to-invisible-gay-men-couple, and the Red Shirts, all chose between Jack and Locke.

Ok, WHY do we need a bird’s eye-view of the Boat to affirm that we are indeed on the Boat once more? I doubt people are confuzzling it with one of the Hatches.

Anyhoodle, Des (in his mysteriously dripping-off-shirt) Michael, and Jin pace around the C4 bomb of death. This isn’t something like ‘cut the red wire while the clock beeps’ this is a ‘do ANYTHING at all to it and you’re SO DEAD’ thing. Des points at various things, explaining various actions that will result in ‘boom.’ Eventually Jin finishes the ‘boom’ thing for him. It’s all very scary. Des is pretty. I hope he doesn’t die. He and Penny have to rent a summer place on Gallifrey and live happily ever after!

Dun dun dun daaa … Lost ‘theme song’ …

Back at the Orchid, Locke is trying to figure out how to get into the station below him. The armbed baddies took his boyfriend his seme his uke his Benny-boy his Henry Benjamin Linus away an hour ago, which is made apparent even before Hurley says this because nobody’s bothering to lower their voices. Jack and Locke do their usual song-and-dance about needing to tell the other a secret and blah blah man-of-science blah blah man-of-faith, but thankfully we switch to handcuffed!Ben walking along with the ‘Rambo guys.’

Then there’s this awesome scene in which Kate shows up saying she’s being chased by Ben’s people, the ‘Rambo guys’ spread out into the thick woods so the Others can kill them creepily, Kate drags Ben off, Keamy and Sayid have this FANTASTIC fight scene, and Richard shoots Keamy a few times in the back. Apparently, in exchange for getting Ben back to the Others, Kate and Sayid get to flee in the helicopter. But only them. Yeek!

In the future (or whatever) a stately black woman visits Hurley in the mental hospital. Hey, look, the actor who plays Walt has aged again! … oh, wait, different actor, ha ha …

Anyhoodle, he talks to Hurley while his grandma watches from afar. Walt says when the O6 came back, he waited for one of them to visit him, but they never did. Apparently ‘Jeremy Benthem’ did, however, and Walt doesn’t understand why the 06 are lying. Hurley glances around and leans forward. “We’re lying,” he says “Because it’s the only way to protect everyone who didn’t come back.”

“Like my dad.” Walt says.

“Like your dad, yeah.” Hurley says, in a manner that makes me suspect Michael got ’sploded.

They stare at each other, tense and sad, until we flash-whatever to Hurley, back on the Island, eating fifteen-year-old crackers.

Sawyer peers through binoculars at Locke at Jack, wondering aloud what they’re talking about.

“I dunno, leader stuff?” offers Hurley, forgetting that Sawyer, with Hurley advising, is my ideal Lost-Leaders Scenario.

Hurley and Sawyer share a very non-slashy, but also very touching moment. Nice work, actors, very nice indeed! *smiles at them*

On top of the Orchid, however, Jack and Locke are sharing a moment that is rather chock-full of slash. Jacks lists all the bad stuff that Locke’s done (kill Naomi and lead half the people  WHO CHOSE TO GO WITH HIM across the Island, most of whom were killed later on BECAUSE OF ARMED CRAZIES WHO WILL SHOOT ANYTHING THAT DOES NOT GO BY THE NAME OF ‘BUG-EYES.’) Locke reminds us that Jack put a gun to Locke’s head and pulled the trigger. OUCH. I think Locke wins. Of course he wins. This is his home territory. In the ‘real world’ Jack would always win, and Locke would look like an idiot. That’s the beauty of the Island …

Locke spells out what I believe: that the people crashed onto the Island for a reason. I’m glad SOMEONE’S holding onto that original-concept (MUCHAS GRACIAS, LONE WRITER!)

Locke tells Jack that he’ll have to lie about the Island, to protect it. Jack doesn’t think it needs protecting because it’s an island. Locke disagrees: it’s a place where miracles happen. Jack doesn’t believe in miracles. Locke says they’ll just have to find out which of them is right. He’s smiling, but Jack is glowering, so we know that Locke will win. Again, HOME TERRITORY.

Then Ben pops up and asks if he’s interrupting. Jack pulls a gun, Ben says it’s nice to see him to, then strides over to Locke and they chat about how Locke doesn’t know what intra-rems or infa-rims or infernal-reds look like. YOU GO, BUG-EYE MAN!

Ben opens a door and informs Jack that he should get back to the helicopter and that the Jackalopes on the Beach are being ferried to the Boat as they speak.

“I’d love to fill you in on everything you missed, Jack, but you, Hugo, James, you need to get moving. If I were you, I’d want to be on that boat within the hour.”

Locke says goodbye to Jack. Ben says “Let’s go,” and ducks into the Orchid. Locke once again tells Jack to lie to ‘them.’ “If you do it half as well as you lie to yourself, they’ll believe you.” Oooooo, BURN!

Locke and Ben go down the elevator of symbolism as Jack stares after them with his usual blank-expression that I SO DESPISE. Why couldn’t HE get ’sploded?

Once again, a bird’s eye view to confirm that this is, indeed, the Boat.

Sun randomly informs Michael that she’s pregnant. He hesitates before congratulating her, making me believe that he’s gonna set off the bomb.

Michael prepares to freeze the battery with nitrogen. Yeek!

The epic music of sea travel plays as Danny-boy and his raft approach the Beach. Some Red Shirts run up and pull the boat up onto the sand, Juliet and Danny-boy exchange pleasantries, Danny-boy still thinks that the Boat is moving closer to the Island, Juliet readies the next group, blah blah blah.

Rose notices Miles sitting cross-legged on the table, eating some Dharma peanuts. She asks who told him he could eat those. Seeing as he spent at least two days trekking through the jungle, one of those days spent searching for a girl he’d only met a day before, I’d say he’s earned his protein, Rose! Miles is not as sarcastic as he could be, but Rose says she’s got her eye on him.

Dan comes over to his compadres and insists that they get on the next ferrying trip. Red agrees, but Miles says he’s staying. When Dan goes off and Red readies her pack, Miles says it’s strange, seeing as she spent all that time ‘trying to get back here.’ Red asks him what he means. Miles grins. “What do I mean?” he asks, and wanders off, but not like he honestly didn’t know what he was talking about. I think Ghostbuster is being affected by the time/space continuum.

The actual Orchid is pretty swank by Islandian standards, if I do say so myself. Locke, apparently not impressed by his boyfriend’s apartment selection, asks if that’s the ‘Magic Box’ that Ben was talking about forever ago. Ben says no, it’s not, as if that’s a stupid question, bringing up old plot points at a time like this. I’d hate to imagine what Locke says during intimate moments …

Locke keeps asking the questions that some fans probably voted on, but Ben only says that the Dharma stations were to perform ‘silly experiments’ and proposes the John was the ‘very informative’ video that’ll explain everything while he, Ben, takes care of some ‘business’ such as lighting candles and putting on some romantic music.

Ok, for a moment there I thought that was the video that they showed in the S3 DVD extras, but thankfully it was not. I had a luverly ranty-rant planned, too.

Anyhoodle, the Initiation Video Man who changes his name too damn often for me to keep up, confirms my worst fears/hopes. The Island allows the Dharma Initiative to conduct experiments in both space and time. This show is beginning to feel like watching ‘Doctor Who For Dummies.’

While the Video Man places a numbered bunny inside the vaulty-thing and explains that metallic objects should NEVER EVER EVER be placed inside the vault, Locke watches with increased alarm as Ben loads every metal object he can lay his hands on into said forbidden vault. Who’s the other scientist in the video? *blinkblink* Bet it’s Bernard’s half-nephew.

The video begins to rewind on its own. Locke bangs the TV a bit, then looks a Ben. “Hey, uh, was he talking about what I think he was talking about?”

Then Ben utters the best line in the history of this show, American television, and possibly ANY TV show EVER.

“If you mean time-traveling bunnies, then yes.”

Then the elevator creaks down. Locke asks if Ben’s expecting anybody. Ben asks to have his gun back.

Sawyer, Jack, and Hurley reach the chopper. Sayid and Hurley share a man-hug. There is nothing slashy about it. Awwwwww. Sawyer and Kate share a look, in which Evangaline Lily tilts her head a smiles in this adorable way and … I think Lost made me bi.

Kate and Sawyer joke about the dead guys as only murderers can, then Kate greets Jack by laying her hands on his body to make sure he’s ‘ok.’ Sawyer looks just about as disgusted/disappointed with this as I am.

Sawyer deals with this angst by going over to the Pilot and helping un-cuff him, because after numerous attempts by various people of all loyalties, Pilot is still handcuffed. Times like these that you wish you had a sonic screwdriver, eh, Sawyer? *plots a crossover fic*

Everyone clambers into the chopper. Hurley inquires about the still-missing Claire, and Jack says that once everyone’s on the Boat they’ll come back to look for his half-sister. Except we all know that is not how things go down.

The chopper takes off, and, to my astonishment, the smoke monster does not leap up and eat the A-Team. The chopper flies off and everyone grins and smiles as inspiring, sappy music plays.

ZOMG KEAMY IS STILL ALIVE! (These bad guys, they NEVER stay down, do they? Ethan came back in numerous flashbacks, Patchy is still alive I’M SURE OF IT, and now KEAMY?! *blinkblink*) Weiiiiiiiird … of course, he refers to Richard as Ben’s ‘boyfriend’ so I’ll let this whole shebang slid because really, besides the mysterious, never followed-up-on hand-holding-menfolk in episode 1 of this season, and the Tom/Arturo kiss, we haven’t had much canon stuff to go on here.

Keamy tells us all what that kinky-device on his arm is. It’s a radio transmitter, that, if his heart stops beating, will blow up the Boat. He brings up the Alex-business, which makes me wish for Ben to keep Keamy alive for a very, VERY long time, slowly but surely torturing him to death in between romps with Locke in the back room for the next season or two or three.

Locke pops out and tries to calm Keamy down, not realizing that Keamy is one of those Ravenwood people who have no common sense whatsoever.

Ben leaps out of the closet (dear lord, I’m not even gonna touch THAT ONE) and whaps Keamy with his ultra-cool spy-baton. He yells “You killed my daughter!” twice and then stabs Keamy a twice. Locke pulls Ben off, then stares in horror at Keamy as the green light blinks. Locke looks up at Ben, who’s sitting with his back to the wall, face all bloodstained. “You just killed everybody on that Boat.” Ben doesn’t even move his eyebrows. “So?”

*slump* WOW.

… WOW.

… wow.

Red tells Danny-boy she’s staying on the Island. He tells her over again that if she doesn’t come now, they might never see each other again. She says nothing’s forever. I like Charlotte very much indeed. She says she’s still looking for the place where she was born, which makes no gorram sense, but that’s ok because she kisses Dan by his ear and says goodbye. It’s very sad, but that means they’ll probably meet again because they didn’t do a lip-lock, snog-your-daylights-out, kind of farewell. It was very cute and sweet and laid-back.

Juliet is stupidly staying as well. She’s developed a Jack-complex: she doesn’t leave until everyone else is safe. She assures Dan that she’ll still be there when he comes back. He says “Right, right … when I get back …” in an ominous, very tired way. He touches Juliet’s shoulder and goes off to the raft to ferry more Red Shirts to ‘safety.’ There are, including Dan, eight people on the Raft. I was under the impression that the limit was six, but what does it matter, most of them will die anyway!

Because this is the finale, lots of things go wrong. A bullet pierced the full-tank on the chopper, so they toss things out the side. It’s no good, however, and the Pilot would feel better if they were ‘a few hundred pounds lighter.’ Hurley looks self-conscious, then Sawyer turns to Kate and whispers a request into her ear. I have no idea what it is, I can’t hear it very well, but then he kisses her beautifully, then leaps out of the chopper. OMFG!!! *held breath until he resurfaced and started swimming* I swear, if he gets eaten by that ridiculous shark …

Some guy is reading a newspaper in his car at night. There’s a knock on his window. He opens it. Sayid’s sexy voice asks him if he has the time. The man begins to answer, then Sayid shoots him dead with one of those elongated silencer-guns. His hair is long and his demeanor screams ‘sexy-anti-hero.’ I’ve started drooling, have you?

Sayid hurries up some stairs, then nips into HURLEY’S ROOM IN THE ASYLUM. Wow, I certainly didn’t see THAT coming. Sayid wants Hurley to come with him, somewhere safe. Hurley ask why he’d go with Sayid, and what circumstances have changed. Apparently ‘Bentham’ is dead. ‘They’ said it was suicide, which, in the shows I watch, means clever murder. Hurley asks why Sayid calls ‘him’ ‘Bentham’ when his name is … but Sayid tells him not to say it, as they’re being watched. Hurley admits to ‘having regular conversations with dead people.’ Hey, maybe the grand-master plan is that the First vacations on the Island! (Buffy fans, give yourself a pat on the back. Anyone who doesn’t get that joke, be grateful you never saw S7 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.)

Hurley agrees to go with Sayid after Sayid admits to killing a guy who’s been hanging outside the hospital for a week. “Paranoia keeps me alive.” ON his way out, Hurley uses his Queen to take a Castle. “Checkmate, Mr. Eko,” he says.

Phew! For a second there, I though that ‘empty’ chair was Jacob!

In the Orchid, Locke tries to stop Keamy’s bleeding (that guy is STILL NOT DEAD) and tries to get Ben to help him, otherwise the people on the Boat will die, but Ben says it’s not his problem. Ben is only interested when Keamy splutters out ‘Wherever you go … Whitmore … will find you.” Ben says “Not if I find him first,” but then Keamy dies and the red light goes on.

Back on the Boat, the bomb light goes on, Michael tells both Des and Jin to get out, but only Des goes. Jin says he’ll stay, and Michael begins to use the last five minutes of nitrogen on the battery.

The chopper lands, despite Des trying to tell them not to. There’s a flurry of activity, patching the hole with duct-tape and fueling up and readying a life-raft and Kate stopping Sun from going back down for Jin.

Michael tells Jin to go up, because he’s a father now. Jin thanks him, and runs up. Everyone loads into the chopper, but lots of people want to wait a few seconds for Jin. They don’t, Jin races on deck and yells in Korean, waving his arms, Sun wants then to go back, but they can’t.

We zoom back to Michael, whose nitrogen has run out. There’s some creepy whispering, then Christen pops up. “You can go now, Michael,” he says, or, rather, Jacob says, or, rather, the Island says.

“Who the hell are you?” Michael asks.


The Boat explodes.

Sun SCREAMS. She screams and screams and screams. The actress conveys the raw emotion so well that I’m tempted to turn away and mute the volume, because that kind of grief is not something you should ever witness, or experience.

She flails around, trying to get the Pilot to go down to see if Jin is in the water (or anybody, really, I mean, the Red Shirts just put on life jackets and leapt into the water, didn’t they? BOOM, there goes half the cast! (Do I sense budget cuts?)

Sun has a lull where Jack says “He’s gone,” Kate tries to quiet Aaron, Des puts his hands over his face, and Jack tells the Pilot to fly them back to the Island.

Sun screams again. It’s an awful, soul-wrenching noise, much like when the Tenth Doctor screams. And you guys know how I get when I hear him scream …

Flash forward! Sun is in London, and gets a call on her cellphone. Her baby says ‘uma uma!’ which is ‘hello hello’ I guess, and is one of the cutest things EVA. Of course, Sun is lookin’ kinda badass and eyeballing Charles Whitmore, so the cute makes the menacing all the more menacing.

She goes up to Charles Whitmore, they talk business (she’s the managing director of Paik Industries, how badass is that?!) and then she goes all dark and scary. She says they have common interests and hands him a card, saying that when he’s ready to talk, to call her. He asks why she wants to help him, but she just stalks off in her dark-coat-of-badass-evil. OH MY GOD. Of all of them, I never expected SUN to turn to the Dark Side! *shudders*

Ben explains why he wasn’t really thinking about the Boat-people when he killed Keamy. “Sometimes … good command decisions get compromised by bad emotional responses.” Tee hee …

“I’m sure you’re going to do a much better job of separating the two than I ever did.”

… HOLD THE PHONE! You’re not staying with Locke to have slashy adventures?! Damnit …

There’s a minor explosion (minor for this show) and then Ben stands up and says “I’d better change.”

This probably means he’ll put on that Parka. What I’ll interpret it as is “Let’s have mad hot goodbye sex.”

On the Beach, Juilet is drinking some Dharma spirits. A shirtless (eh? How’d he loose the shirt? … like I care …) and very wet Sawyer staggers up onto the beach from the surf, like a mythical god. I kid you not, he looks like Poseidon-incarnate! *drools*

“Nice day for a swim!” Sawyer chirps, panting.

Juliet and Sawyer stare in horror at the menacing smoke-cloud that signifies where The Boat USED to be.

Then comes the scene that makes me WAIL INSIDE. I also almost pitched a fit because I thought, at one moment, that Ben was going to lunge forward and kiss Locke goodbye. Sadly, all they do is shake hands, but that’s how the Doctor and the Master started …

Anyhoodle, the gist of the scene is that the person who moves the Island can never come back (can you say ‘angst fic’ ladies?) and the Others are going to accept and obey Locke as their Leader. It’s REALLY REALLY SAD.

“You’ll find your way, John. You always do.”

*insert kiss* I know it didn’t really happen onscreen, but offscreen is totally open for slasher fill-ins, and I say THERE WAS A KISS.

Locke finds New New Otherton, stares down at the shanties in a vaguely menacing fashion that made me suspect he was gonna shoot them all, but then Richard smiles and says “Welcome home, John,” and Locke smiles, so all is well … I guess.

Ben goes through a hole in the side of the vault, through a rock-tunnel, down a ladder, stamps through an ice-block, goes down an icy ladder, snaps a rung and falls down to this icy cave thingy. This gives him a scratch on his arm, that we later see on him when he ends up in Tunisia and BAMFers the desert-men. He lights a lantern, and finds what looks like a big metal ship’s wheel sticking out from a wall. He looks up, says “I hope you’re happy now, Jacob,” knocks some ice from the wheel, and begins to turn it. Everyone hears this weird noise, like when someone rubs the rim of a wine glass. Some goldeny-greenish-white light beings to emit from where we can’t see the rest of the wheel. Ben smiles … painfully? And then he vanishes into the light. Everyone shields their eyes. The Others and Leader Locke, Sawyer and Juliet, the Choppter Crew, and the Red Shirts in the Raft.

Then, after a flash of BRIGHT LIGHT (not purple, though, not purple) the Island VANISHES, leaving behind a sort of ripple mark like when you throw a pebble into a lake, but in reverse.

The Chopper runs out of gas, people pull life vests on, and the chopper crashes into the water.

Everyone gets into the lifeboat, but there’s an awful moment when it seems like our resident Scottish Time Lord Desmond might’ve drowned, but Jack performs mouth-to-mouth (and not in the Capt. Jack Harkness fashion, either) and saves him … at least, for now. Because there are only the Oceanic SIX, not the Oceanic Six + a crazy awesome Pilot and a hot Scottish Time Lord.

Then, once everyone’s sort of gotten their bearings, they look all wet and … well, lost.

In the future, Kate’s phone rings like the Borders’ phones used to.

She gets freaked, grabs a gun, and races into Aaron’s room, but it’s Claire. “Don’t you dare bring him back!” she yells at Kate … and it’s all a dream … or is it? Really can’t tell with this show … Kate goes to see Aaron and cries, saying she sorry over and over.

At night, the raft is spotted by a boat. Jack says they’ll have to lie about everything, citing the fact that the Frieghter was sent to kill them, and that their plane was supposedly disovered on the bottom of the ocean, blah blah, let Jack do the talking.

Anyhoodle, they pull up alongside this BRAND NEW BOAT (aptly named ‘Searcher’) and some guy jabbers in … I wanna say French, but I could be dead wrong, because all I know is English and half-assed Spanish. Anyhoodle, he says ‘Ms. Whitmore!’ and Des looks up and a woman with a British accent tells jabber-guy to throw them a rope and Des gasps ‘Penny?!’ and clambers up the side and they finally come face to face. They kiss, an honest-to-goodness really wonderful kiss, with clinging and then they just stare at each other. It’s just … lovely.

Apparently she has a tracking station, and she tracked his phone call. Then he says he loves her, and he’ll never leave her again. Then they kiss some more. Did I mention that I’m squeeing all over here?

Des introduces everyone, never letting go of Penny’s hand. Jack says that they need to talk.

One Week Later

They’re going to stage landing on Membata or Miembata or whatever the hell it is. Sayid says “it’s the only way to keep them safe.” But really, WHO is on the Island now?! Locke (no one really likes him) Sawyer (people are divided) Juliet (nobody ever got used to her but Jack, who never treated her credibly) and Rose n’ Bernard, who were going to stay ANYWAY.

Frank and Jack say goodbye, and Jack hopes that they never see each other again, which Frank agrees to. Penny says goodbye to Aaron (who has had WAAAAAY too many mommies and daddies.)

Des says “As long as I’ve got Penny, I’ll be fine.” *huggles him* Yay! Move to Gallifrey and live happily ever after, where no sketchy Bug-Eyed monsters or crazy daddies can chase you!

Jack tells Desmond not to let ‘him’ find him, and then says “See you in another life, brotha” jokingly. Tee hee …

The staged landing is done mostly without sound, and semi-slow-mo. It’s very nice, slightly chilling.

Flashforward! Jack-with-Nathan-S2’s-beard blasts loud music at night. He smashes a door down to break into … the funeral home. I’m almost 100% sure it’s Ben in the coffin … when Ben shows up lurking in the shadows in a dark coat of futuristic-badass-ness. He and Jack talk about ‘Jeremy Bentham’ and how he said that some ‘very bad things’ happened on the Island after Jack left and it was all Jack’s fault, and Jack should come back.

Ben’s there, apparently, to tell Jack that “the Island won’t let you come alone.” They all need to come back.

Jack snorts at the hopelessness of that. “Sayid … I don’t even know where Sayid is. Hurley is insane. Sun blames me for … and then Kate, she won’t even talk to me any more.” Sounds like the makings of a D&D cell, Jack m’ boy! *rubs hands together excitedly*

Ben has ‘a few ideas’ about how to get them going, and as Jack tries to leave he stops him. They’ll have to bring everybody back. “We’ll have to bring him too.”

And we zoom over the coffin … and it’s John Locke.

Yeah, my jaw dropped and my mouth hung open for like five minutes and I made dry raspy noises too. *blinkblinkblink*

That’s going to take a while to get used to …

finale, there's no place like home, time lord, what aunt_zelda thinks, part 2 & 3, spoilers, ben/locke, lost

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