OH HAPPY DAY!!! *bounces up and down* I can snap my fingers AT LAST! I have never been able to snap my fingers before in my entire life! My fingers hurt from snapping so much! *dances about, grinning madly*
Also, I now possess this amazing bright orange dress with sequins that shows off my rather attractive shoulders and collar bone. *swishes
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Me too!
Wait.. how is this a first date? It's the third time we've seen Donna.. and they're far from being all date-y/couple-y (well, despite everyone thinking they're married, hehe)
No, I mean, now she's oficially a Companion the Doctor takes her on a first-official-'date' or 'adventure' if you like. Donna's first TARDIS ride in Runaway Bride was a mistake and 'Partners in Crime' they ran around London. I don't view them as a couple at all!
I like Donna. Rose (though I love her) and Martha were all 'whatever you say Doctor, just tell me how high to jump and I will cause I love you and I want to have like 10,000 of your weird ass alien hybrid babies')
I concur! (Martha's badass-ness was sometimes eclipsed by her unrequited love for the Doctor. Poor dear.) I have high hopes for Donna.
I also like her logical approach to time travel. These are questions that have annoyed me too. And it's about high time we get answers other than 'wibbly wobbly timey wimy.. stuff' (although that is fun to say).
I completely 100% agree with you on philosophical theory. Ten needs a kick in the ass, and has been said, someone to stop him. He's dealing with a lot of tough issues (seriously, I've been through the whole losing the most important person and believing life sucks and we might as well just give up on humanity thing.. I just wonder where my ass kicking person is.. I certainly could use a Donna right about now.. ack, rambling..)
*huggles you*
"his ‘dead’ lover"? You're slashing him in your mind again, aren't you?
I thought the latin-sounding-like-welsh was very intriguing. It boggles the mind. And the Barcelona reference made me miss Rose.
I agree on both accounts. I hope Rose got to see Barcelona ...
And I'm pretty sure Ev was healed from her stone arm status.
Oh good ...
I totally didn't the "just us girls" line. I blame it on your corruptive influence and slashy overtones.. you've got a mind control machine hooked up to the writer's brains, don't you? ;P
No, I just don't understand it! It made no sense to me! If the Doctor's a girl ... uh, that'd be strange ...
Is the Doctor's name seriously Theta Sigma??
It's debateable, but on the show one of his old teachers called him 'Theta Sigma' ... it's more canon than calling the Master 'Koschei' because that was only used in a semi-canon book ...
The Doctor is nothing without angst! heh. I was talking to a friend of mine this weekend and we agreed on a theory: Nine was GETTING angsty and he was like 'you know, I like this emo thing, in my next regeneration I'm gonna be emo all the bloody time'.. and thus Emo!Ten was born. :D
*sigh* I miss Nine all the same ...
About the 'Come with me' line: I totally flashed back to the Terminator. Come with me if you want to live.
Yeek ... I saw the second movie ... not sure I liked it ...
I loved that ending bit. With the short toga.. and the household gods.. it was just made of awesome!
And how is it canon slash? What canon? Well.. okay.. those 'I can see you now' phone calls were kinda stalkerish.. and the Master DID keep the Doctor as a pet.. um.. gah.. stop trying to make me slash them!!! *hides under the bed*
Well, some people don't think it's canon ... and seeing as it's a string of codes I'm not sure I'm completely behind it either ...
And how is it canon slash? What canon?
'Canon' as is 'real' ... like Jack/Ianto, that's a canon pairing because we see them snogging and such. 'Canon' means the writers intended it to be a pairing.
Well.. okay.. those 'I can see you now' phone calls were kinda stalkerish.. and the Master DID keep the Doctor as a pet.. um.. gah.. stop trying to make me slash them!!! *hides under the bed*
What is wrong with Doctor/Master? It's a perfectly lovely pairing! (Besides the things you listed, after the Master had kept him as said kinky pet and slaughtered MILLIONS, the Doctor FORGAVE HIM and was going to, in turn KEEP HIM ON THE TARDIS. Not canon, you say? We base MYLAR on less!)
It's also a fraternity sect, which makes me giggle. I wanna pledge for that frat now! :)
And yes, I know what Canon is but the canon of Doctor/Master is highly debateable. But okay.. I can see how the Doctor wanting to keep the Master can be construed that way actually.. that was really kinky to be honest.. really creepy/kinky/wtf-y.
And gods.. we do base Mylar on less, don't we? *hangs head in shame*
Well, apparetently there's more to the name, but everyone uses 'Theta Sigma' because they haven't got the time ...
But okay.. I can see how the Doctor wanting to keep the Master can be construed that way actually.. that was really kinky to be honest.. really creepy/kinky/wtf-y.
"All we've got is each other!"
"Are you asking me out on a date?!"
And gods.. we do base Mylar on less, don't we? *hangs head in shame*
Mylar is like what the Doctor and the Master did in the early seasons, the Doctor would foil the Master's plan and the Master would never succeed in killing him. (Don't feel bad, just stare at your luverly icon and you'll feel better!)
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