(This episode didn’t do much besides creep me out, make me scared of old Panic!At the Disco music videos, and slightly annoy me. Apparently carnies want to steal your souls and bring down sales of Panic!At the Disco Cds! Who knew?
This made better:
http://community.livejournal.com/ihasatardis/1068046.html#cutid1 WARNING: May cause hysterical laughter or falling out of chairs, BRACE YOURSELVES.)
(Yeah, I’m still doing the old-style for Torchwood. At least, until Torchwood gives me something to muse on profoundly.)
We begin with a sketchy dude in a mustache and extras from a Panic!At the Disco video. The old stuff, not the new stuff. Also a child being stolen from her mommy. So, this episode will be one that gives me trouble sleeping, then. Lovely.
The sketchy mustachioed dude is creeping into old film footage. Rut-ro!
Jack, rescue Ianto from the bad guys! Rescue your princess!
Ianto skipping through the rain in a leather jacket. Hurrah! I could watch this for DAYS!
Awww, Ianto used to come with his daddy! His Master Tailor Daddy. Never gonna let that go.
Utto, Jack's in the video! And there's an evil dad in the background.
'ello, Mr. Red shirt! 'ello, Mrs. Red Shirt!
Jack and Ianto standing in the empty theater. Ianto in red. Jack saying creepy emo things. This'll be good!
Sketchy mustache man and Lucy's sister giggly 20's blond flapper girl, steal a girl's soul. It's creepy.
"I want to drink her tears."
Great line. Blond shiny girl sells it very well.
"You did stand up."
"I never did stand up."
Jack, have you WATCHED YOURSELF OF LATE? You’re doing standup for the slashers EVERY TIME YOU COME ONSCREEN!
"He's part of this freak show."
"Some things never change."
"They came from out of the rain."
Personally I LIKE RAIN. What’s Russell T. Davies got against rain? Did it beat him up and steal his lunch money as a kid?
"That's right, I remember her. Wearing almost nothing."
Oh Owen, you haven't changed, bless you, zombie-boy.
"Two people from a piece of film have gone AWOL."
Thank you for doing my job for me!
"I need your local knowledge."
"Oh, is that what you're calling it these days?"
Why DO they keep Gwen around? And isn’t she supposed to be on her honeymoon? With her HUSBAND? I can’t wait until Rhys pulls a Wash and says “No, what this marriage needs is one less husband.” Then Jack and Rhys can be tortured hilariously together! By a sadistic Russian man! I should write for Torchwood!
Who was Jack sent by to investigate the Rain-Carnies? Torchwood? The Doctor? A third-player? Oh, wait, just like Lost, I’m asking logical questions. Excuse me …
I love how the campsite goes from black and white to faded color to actual color. It was nice.
Oooo, living mermaid! Coolio!
Yeek! No! Sketchy mustached man presses his face against the car window: DO NOT WANT! BAD BAD BAD! Gimme bugs in your stomach any day ... then again that storyline wouldn't have been all that bearable without wonderous Martha ... BRING HER BACK RIGHT NOW!
Owen isn't bothering me this episode. But, then again, he isn't doing much but run about with the gang, looking cool in black. Anyone could do that and I wouldn’t mind.
Mustache has BAD teeth. I could have done without him licking Pearl's arm ... ew.
Poor guys. They just want an audience. Don't we all? *sniffles* To have your livelihood wiped out, and have nothing ... no, I’m not sympathizing with the scary Rain-Carnies!
How does Ianto know the psychiatric hospital? (Is that a future-plot I see?!)
Oi, Nurse! You shouldn't talk about patients to strange people! Patient-doctor confidentiality, lady! You could get sued! I don't care that the plot needs to be kept on track!
"Your eyes are older than your face."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"Yes. It means you don't belong. It mean you come from nowhere."
Ooooo … I love it when old crazy people see more than average people. It’s nice. (And Jack comes from ‘the land of Welsh beaches, pinwheels, and white-clad pansexuals’ btw, not ‘Nowhere.’)
I hope that someday I have hot gay men to push me around in my wheelchair.
Jack/pocket-watch/waistcoat = my latest OT3.
I like the warehouse pad. Sweet, I'd live there.
Suddenly Jack is on a first-name basis with video-kid? Eh? Did I miss something?
Oh god, Mr. Red Shirt’s shirt is literally red!
"Film of a film."
Jack’s going to save the world … with a paradox? Well, it worked before …
"There's not a breath in your poor sad body …"
Poor Owen. No love for zombie-boy.
And Ianto flees. Ianto catches the flask. Yahoo!
Jack saves the little boy. Ianto gets teary-eyed. I smile and feel odd. (
This week things seem determined to end on an unsettling note. What with statue-phobia and now old-film-phobia. Plus the sudden urge to flee from Panic!At the Dicso. And just after their new CD. Swell.
Next Week:
Torchwood decides to track down all the people who've gone missing over the years because of the Rift. Gwen has an identity crisis, and I think there's a parallel-Gwen, which isn't good because the last time something like THAT happened there were zeppelins and Cybermen and global warming and Daleks and slash-in-the-deleted-scenes and Rose died. So I can only hope that is not the case and pray that Gwen has gone insane instead, shall leave Torchwood, and Rhys can visit Torchwood from time to time.