What aunt_zelda Thinks: Lost 'The Other Woman'

Mar 07, 2008 19:57

Previously on Lost: the Newbies arrived and brought gasmasks.

Juliet plays with a Zen garden. She’s got huge hair, so this is either Past!Juliet or Future!Juliet. The show takes advantage of our confusion and makes the dialogue as vague as possible. For a while we think Juliet is one of the Oceanic 6 … then it turns out she’s just arrived on the Island.

(Oh, and therapy-lady? Talking is a type of therapy!)

Tom’s got daddy-issues?! OMG he’s so gay!

“We just want you to feel at home.” Ok, Reverend Jim Jones …

Vincent lives! Again … some more … I think his increased screentime is foreshadowing of the ‘mysterious’ character who’s about to return …

The Jackalopes are ridiculously trustworthy. *sigh* Since Jin was once a Korean mobster, this makes me wonder if there’s something in the water the Jackalopes are drinking.

Oh, great. This week it’s Juliet who’s having trippy visions and flashbacks.

The antennae fell off the top of the TV, and the signal improved. Perhaps I should have gotten cable with the high-speed I’m getting tomorrow …

The latest station is called ‘The Tempest.’ I love that play, and will perhaps get into all the parallels and possible hints that entails LATER …

“Ben is exactly where he wants to be.” Tied up in Locke’s basement? Okaaaaay …

“Maybe you and your gun can go too.” *sporfle* Therapist really sells that line …

“… pressed up against a transformer.” What’s Optimus Prime got to do with anything?

So Goodwin’s an adulterer? Lovely …

“If you’ve got something to tell me, now’s the time to say it.” Rock on Jacko!

“Wott?” Charlotte says after knocking Kate out. [I’m so glad she’s not evil, or, if she is, she’s saving people before it’s revealed that she’s James Bond’s evil, fraternal twin.]

“It’s very stressful, being an Other.” Hee … great lines, this episode!

“Trust me Jack, you don’t want to see my file.”

I love Ben’s little smile/smirk when Goodwin shows up at the lab with a sandwich. He knows exactly what’s going on with Juliet and Goodwin …

Whoa! Adultery! Awesome-Therepist-Wife being … awesome. The foreboding threat of scary Ben … being scary.

“Don’t you want to know whose boat it is?” Yes we do, Claire, but you see, Locke has this thing for keeping men tied up as his prisoners …

OMG Ben’s untied! A step up in their relationship! Yahoo! *dances*

“So has the Revolution started yet?” hee …

“I always have a plan.” *nodnod*

John hands Ben a dollar. Awwww, that’s so sweet/he’s paying his whore!

“We have a common interest.” Each other? Evading slashers by remaining on the Island? Daddy-issues?

Ben’s got a crush on Juliet?! So he’s either a) bisexual or b) in the closet. I lean towards b, personally … though he’s certainly manipulative enough to use possible-bisexuality to his advantage …

“He follows you around like a puppy!” a creepy, gay, evil puppy!

Ben sends Goodwin out to the Tailies, on a Death-Mission. *sighs* Young-ish love …

Ben with tied hands and Locke telling him ‘no tricks.’ Yahoo!

“We don’t even need to leave the living room.” *fangirl explosion* NEED I ELABORATE, LADIES?!

“If my people still wanted me they’d have stormed this place days ago.” Good point, but ‘The Others’ is basically made up of the Tailies, children, and Richard-of-the-Eyeliner-the-Ageless. Not very threatening, if you ask me …

OMG it’s Penny’s dad! I knew it!!! *dances*

“It was the only bargaining chip I had left.” You’re forgetting, Benry, that Locke might love you …

“You might want to sit down …” it’s totally Michael. But as for why Michael came back (like the cat), I suppose the only plausible answer is that Walt missed his Vincent.

“You gonna tell me or are we gonna keep walking through the jungle like it doesn’t matter?” Jacko, that’s the show in a nutshell! Bravo! You finally got it! *tolerates his presence for the rest of the episode*

Ben’s practically ecstatic in this flashback. I expected him to burst into song, which would have made me compare Ben to the Master … which would have made Locke the Doctor, which would have resulted in no end of insanity on everyone’s part …

Also, opera music + edible homecooked meal + Ben’s behavior with Locke of late = BEN IS SO GAY. Which is why the flirtation and Goodwin-jealousy didn’t bother me in the slightest. Well, ok, maybe a little …

Juliet goes all secret-agent woman. It’s cool. I like her again.

There’s a chick-fight whilst Danny-Boy messes with the computer. They ‘render the gas inert.’ I’ll believe that when Ben, cackling madly, with Locke chained at his feet, pushes the button and nothing happens in the season finale.

The whole scene by Goodwin’s body was wonderful. I could go on and on about it, but I was incredibly sleepy (see my next post for more details) and couldn’t write down all the lines.

“Instead of his wife?” Oooo, burn!

“You’re mine!” *flees in terror* That scared me … why couldn’t Ben have said that to Locke? Seriously!

Right around this time the screen started getting a blue-gray tinge. It was annoying.

Whoa! Jack/Juliet! I bet Kate saw! Now she’s gonna run back to the Locke-Clan and tattle to Sawyer!

Horseshoes and Lucky!Hurley FTW!

“See you at dinner!” *punches the air repeatedly*

Ben should get the last line EVERY episode!

Next Week: Sun’s pregnant! It’s intense! She slaps Juliet! Des reads a note in class, and the teacher catches him! Someone who looks like Starbuck dives off the Boat! Michael Someone we ‘never expected to see again unless you read the spoilers’ shows up! The last of the Oceanic 6 is revealed!

Oceanic Six So Far: Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Aaron.

I might not be able to watch next week, because of the play … oh dear oh dear …

ben/locke, what aunt_zelda thinks, lost, the other woman

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