Two Doctor/Master Drabbles

Feb 25, 2008 01:38

Two Doctor/Master Drabbles

Title: When

Rating: PG-13 I suppose … implications of nastiness.

Pairing: Simm!Master/10th Doctor

Word Count: 204

Warnings: I’m American. My viewing of Doctor Who is severely limited, incredibly mixed up, (e.g. I don’t know what Rassilon and Omega are *commits hari-kari with laser screwdriver in fit of Whovian shame*)

Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who. If I did, the Master wouldn’t have ‘died.’

Summary: The Doctor knows when …

My Thoughts: I just recently became a Master fangirl … then promptly became a Doctor/Master slasher. I mostly write Heroes slash. Please do not kill me for my weird fics.

It takes some time to become attuned to the Master, but, really, the Doctor has all the time in the universe, doesn’t he?

Now he knows when to stay with the Master, even when the Master is screaming obscenities in sixteen different languages, demanding that he leave him alone.

He knows when to hug the Master close and keep holding on for hours, and when to tell him to pull himself together.

He knows when to leave the Master alone, sometimes for days, and when to go looking for him.

He knows when to let the Master rage at him, hurt him, make him bleed, when to lie there and the Master do awful things to him, when to cry.

He knows when to make hot chocolate and sit on the other side of the room in silence.

He knows when to talk about their days at the Academy, and when to never mention Gallifrey at all.

He knows when to let the Master throw things for the shatter, when to open the TARDIS doors and watch the universe exist, and when to tie the Master down.

He knows when to dance with the Master.

He knows when to let the Master dance alone.

Title: Backwards

Rating: R … there are ‘naughty’ implications but if you’re uncomfortable with guy smex you shouldn’t be here …

Pairing: Simm!Master/10th Doctor

Word Count: 115

Warnings: I’m American. My viewing of Doctor Who is severely limited, incredibly mixed up, (e.g. I don’t know what Rassilon and Omega are *commits hari-kari with laser screwdriver in fit of Whovian shame*)

Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who. If I did, the Master wouldn’t have ‘died.’

Summary: A hot moment with our favorite Time Lords … backwards. Because I’m weird.

My Thoughts: Dunno WHERE this came from, I am weird sometimes … a lot of the time, actually … also please don’t kill me, I’m new at Doctor/Master!

Oblivion. Like staring into the Vortex all over again, but finding peace in its staggering vastness. The Drums are silent for a split second …

So close … any second now … so hot …

Go faster!

Say my name again … it’s so sexy when you say it …

This is wrong … but that … oh, do that again please!

Unzipping his pants … where’s the lube? Why do they need it again?

The buttons on this shirt were invented by a sadist.

Shoving him down, straddling his lovely body … will those bird-bones of his break? Can’t wait to find out …

Really? You’re serious? This isn’t some sick game of yours?

doctor/master, fic, drabbles, slash

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