Author: me, aunt_zelda
Prompt #s: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 28, 31, 35, 40, 42, 43, 48, 49, 50 (that’s right EIGHTEEN!)
Pairings: Mylar, Plaude, Claude/Noah, Kiro, Claire/obscure-female-character
Ratings: PG - R
Warnings: Please watch every Heroes episode ever, I cover a lot of ground with these.
Summary: Kiro is depressing, Claire is a
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Okay, I'm not really into girl/girl slash (also don't like Claire) so much but the Barefoot drabble was just so cute. Hee! Anything involving tickling just...tickles me. XD
Need...Oh, ouch. That one just stabs me in the heart. The imagery and simplicity of it is so beautiful.
Heal: *gigglespazz* Heeheehee! That was Hiro! XD Ah...It feels kind of wrong to be laughing with what state Adam had been in but I can't help it.
"Time doesn’t stop … and within seconds Hiro realizes that Adam might not feel like that and jerks backward: so embarrassed he wants nothing more than to teleport away." <--Win!
Carpet: From this I'm now starting to question whether Peter fits the description of 'puppy-dog' best...or Claude. XD Sleeping on the floor, jeez man. Guess he really doesn't care much for creature comforts.
Shinbones: Like I mentioned before, I really don't like Claire that much, or Femslash, but one thing I really liked about this drabble is how you addressed the Claire/West relationship. I didn't really 'believe' the ( ... )
Sensitivity: *gigglesnort* Aww! Claude's becoming a bit of a softie (in comparison to what's shown on the show; I see him punching Peter, not kissing him). That was really cute! ^_^
Faulty Reasoning: Poor Hiro!!! *wants to huggle him* He really has had lots of trouble with love. :(
Frankenstein: Okay, the comic thing intrigues me. XD Mr. Rolex!? *gigglespazz* Really nice choice of names. ^_^
Rolex: Ooooo!!! You wrote more about the comic-land! Hee! *glee* XD I can think up plenty of ideas for Mr. Rolex to use. Ah, in real life I bet it'd take Mr. Rolex less than five minutes to come up with and execute a plan on how to deal with Naveen Indras. XD If only Molly could have drawn just a little more...This was really good!
Obscurity: That's right Claude! You can't ignore Peter Petrelli! You have to come back! *pout* Very nice.
Zombiepocalypse: *pout* You killed Bob It was cute that Sylar held Mohinder back! Hee! *really loves Mylar* And double 'Aww!' for Sylar dragging Molly ( ... )
*huggles Hiro to death* Oops...^^;;
"More shalt come before this month is out! Yes, it WOULD take Mr. Rolex that amount of time ... she's getting there! Really!!! Seriously!? You're going to write more!? :D :D :D *ish uber gleeful now* Ah! I really can't wait!!!
"Sorry I killed him ... had to be done ..." D:
"Yeah, did you know that the bears were originally supposed to be Claude's idea? The flashback never got filmed though ..." Really? I didn't know that. Was it in a commentary? I came into the Heroes fandom at Parasite.
*sprinkles the 'heal-anything' blood*
Really!!! Seriously!? You're going to write more!? :D :D :D *ish uber gleeful now* Ah! I really can't wait!!!
If I ever catch up on slash and have a free minute with this psychology class!
"Sorry I killed him ... had to be done ..." D:
You like Bob? *raises eyebrows*
Really? I didn't know that. Was it in a commentary? I came into the Heroes fandom at Parasite.
Yes, it was in the commentary for 'Company Man' which is speculated to be the best Heroes episode of S1 ...
I like Bob...tormenting Mohinder. XD I'm a Bob/Mo slasher and I have so much fun with it.
Yes, it was in the commentary for 'Company Man' which is speculated to be the best Heroes episode of S1 ...
-_-;; Yeah...I think if I watch that episode, it won't be *my* favourite and I prob. won't consider it the 'best' of S1. I don't like Claire or Bennet very much.
Hee ... I can see it ... why are all the Company Men sketchy and skeevy as hell and own glasses?
-_-;; Yeah...I think if I watch that episode, it won't be *my* favourite and I prob. won't consider it the 'best' of S1. I don't like Claire or Bennet very much.
(I can't believe I haven't friended you already! *does so*)
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