Author: me, aunt_zelda
Prompt #s: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 28, 31, 35, 40, 42, 43, 48, 49, 50 (that’s right EIGHTEEN!)
Pairings: Mylar, Plaude, Claude/Noah, Kiro, Claire/obscure-female-character
Ratings: PG - R
Warnings: Please watch every Heroes episode ever, I cover a lot of ground with these.
Summary: Kiro is depressing, Claire is a
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Adam/Claude...So... I'm not the only one who'd considered that one? In my mind, Claude would be practically a baby at the time (teens, probably), but I've never gotten further than that, other than Adam's sadism fits right into my vague ideas of how Claude might have been "recruited" by the Company.
I found this an interesting symmetry:
Claude/Peter ends: [Claude] couldn’t fade back into obscurity, Peter Petrelli wouldn’t let him.
Claude/Bennet ends: Completely wiping Claude away was something too awful to consider.
Intentional? Meta? (ie, for a character who was only in the show for about 15 minutes total time, he made a pretty big impact!)
Whoa, envy! *overjoyed* I HAVE been writing them since the challenge began ... please don't be envious ...
Adam/Claude...So... I'm not the only one who'd considered that one?
Apparently not! (I hath a STRANGE mind ...)
In my mind, Claude would be practically a baby at the time (teens, probably), but I've never gotten further than that, other than Adam's sadism fits right into my vague ideas of how Claude might have been "recruited" by the Company.
Oooooo ... sound intriguing ...
Actually no! Wow ... I hadn't realized ... that's cool! Thanks for pointing that out!
for a character who was only in the show for about 15 minutes total time, he made a pretty big impact!)
(I am sorry I scared Claude. Good lord, I love those comics!)
I'm kind of hinting at it in my current story (you at least get a sense of the damage), but I've thought about expanding it as a standalone, once I finish this.
Wow ... I hadn't realized ... that's cool! Thanks for pointing that out!
I love the way the mind works in terms of symbolism. I know that I don't always intend the symbolism in some things i do until I look back, or someone points it out, and I'm sure that happens to screenwriters as well.
Ah, Americans are getting a taste of the bloody-minded stroppiness that is Christopher Eccleston! He rarely puts a foot wrong, really, but he can make you want to strangle him when he's doing it (how many people have turned down Steven Spielberg and Ron Howard?).
Good lord, I love those comics!
Aren't they hysterical? I never get tired of how expressive she manages to make Claude, when all he is is a pair of eyebrows and a mouth.
Linkies please!
Ah, Americans are getting a taste of the bloody-minded stroppiness that is Christopher Eccleston! He rarely puts a foot wrong, really, but he can make you want to strangle him when he's doing it (how many people have turned down Steven Spielberg and Ron Howard?).
WOW, I didn't know THAT! He's so frakin' amazing ...
Aren't they hysterical? I never get tired of how expressive she manages to make Claude, when all he is is a pair of eyebrows and a mouth.
Hee, I know!
There's a reason this is one of my favourite icons!
He's so frakin' amazing ...
He's amazingly skittish - even though he was a struggling actor through most of his late 20s (working the rather astonishing combination of construction work by day and life (nude) model at night - can you imagine how he'd have to keep the latter secret from the former?), his first real substantial, continuing job was as the baby boss on Cracker - and he decided he didn't want to be trapped on a successful tv show, so asked Jimmy McGovern, the writer (who's now one of the 2-3 most important writers in British TV, along with Russell T. Davies and Paul Abbott, and British TV is run by the writers), to let him go. McGovern not only wrote him the most astonishing and agonizing death scene in TV history (there are Brits who are still traumatized!), he also wrote him an absolutely wonderful miniseries called Hearts and MInds, which is about an idealistic student teacher in his first year. And McGovern also gave him the central role of Trevor ( ... )
I really need to read those ... they're on my wicked long 'list of things to do' ...
... whoa. That's gotta be the longest comment someone's ever left me ... thank you! *huggles you* WOW ... he was almost in the DaVinci Code?! That would have made a very sucky movie much better ...
so instead of playing the charming predator who slept with half of Manchester, he got to play a virgin video clerk! Who also happened to be the son of God.
*sporfle* Both sound like awesome parts ...
I have whole folders of those on my HD. Sigh. I also need to get back to work on that fic (especially considering where I left Bennet's hand...)
... whoa. That's gotta be the longest comment someone's ever left me ... thank you!
;-) First thing in the morning and late at night, I tend to ramble. But I do find his choices really interesting. I've been watching him since Shallow Grave. In Britain, it's not like he's been all that easy to avoid! He's easily the dominant actor of the past 10-15 years in terms of critical praise and general acknowledgment of his general awesomeness, it's just he's rarely been in things that people outside the UK see. Or he's the "crazy Major" in 28 Days Later or "the ghostly (surprisingly tanned) husband" in The Others, small if memorable roles. I suspect he may end up like Helen Mirren and Alan Rickman, having his best success in his 40s-60s.
Both sound like awesome parts ...They're very similar in a way - and very layered, which is what he's so ( ... )
I can relate ...
Sigh. I also need to get back to work on that fic (especially considering where I left Bennet's hand...)
Ok NOW you've intriuged me! *cannot wait*
I suspect he may end up like Helen Mirren and Alan Rickman, having his best success in his 40s-60s.
*sigh* Alan Rickman ... *reels* that voice ... oh god ...
It's also a nice balance of the vulnerable innocent he did so much early in his career with the power and ferocity he's doing more recently. The sweet smile in this icon comes right after he's just performed a huge, spectacular miracle, creating equal parts awe and terror in the populace.
He looks kinda psychotic in that icon ... but happily so ...
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