Flowering Suicide Tree:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7193161.stm Complaining Choir:
http://www.theworld.org/?q=node/6554 OMG this MADE MY WEEK:
http://www.cogitamusblog.com/2007/12/my-first-vlog-p.html Sometimes this week I dreamed someone took me to an Obama rally and all these Hannaford employees were synchronized dancing …
Astronomy this week taught me:
Quasars: the serial-killers of the universe.
Have I ever told any of you about my ridiculous theory that Luna was the secret love-child of Lupin and Trelawney? Well, between books 5 and 6 I thought that was so … I mean, in the third book Peeves called Lupin ‘Looney, loopy Lupin’ and in the sixth book he called Luna ‘Looney’ and in the third book Trelawney asks ‘where is dear professor Lupin’ as soon as she settles down at Christmas dinner. So I dunno, my warped brain …
Btw, Wednesday was AWFUL. Homophobes and fits of tears and excessive swearing on my part … *sigh* I’m sure that those of you in England and those of you with good internet connections had luverly Wednesdays, though, because TORCHWOOD OMG!
On Thursday I wore aimisan’s headband. I haven’t worn a headband since I was like eight … hee hee!
Also on Thursday, my crazy/awesome Geometry teacher broke out his scary hand puppet. I kid you not. I should take pictures …
Anyhoodle, we had great fun with that, particularly since the-guy-I-like was sitting right next to the teacher and got pretty freaked out by that puppet, and hardly anything freaks him out! *sporfles* The only person who wasn’t mildly terrified of the puppet was aimisan, who thought it was wonderful. The teacher (speaking in puppet-voice) said “I’ve heard about you. The voices in the walls talk about you at night.” we all giggled nervously and then he/the puppet said “They have plans.” Good lord I laughed hysterically.
THEN (still in Geometry class) we were reading from the book and the-guy-I-like frowned at this problem. You know how angles have letters assigned to them? Well this shape had angles that spelled ‘BLACK’ and we had to figure out how it was congruent to the other shape. The-guy-I-like said “I find this book offensive. They’re saying that all black people are pentagons. I disagree.” in that even, dry way of his and I almost DIED (luckily so did the rest of the class, or I might have looked crazy/stupid/institutional-worthy … well, more so than usual.
Then we all proceeded to stifle giggles about a problem the previous class had done, which was:
X = U
Those people who write math books must be so bored.
Then there was discussion about another guy’s hat, which apparently smelled bad, and the owner of the hat insisted he showered regularly. I asked “Did you shower with the hat?” which everyone found extremely funny. I love it when I’m funny in real life …
Later on, in English class, the hat-guy got a curly-cloud mustache and goatee, which my English teacher made him go wash off, but he still had a bluish-green tinge to his face. I yelped “He’s mutating!” and waved my arms excitedly. Later he said “My father was a Smurf and my mother was a green vegetable.” He also described a vampire-attack as “He latched onto her neck like a magnet to a refrigerator.” which I thought was pretty cool.
01Barefoot.02Need.03Sentimental.04Heal.05Carpet.06Prophetic.07Shinbones.08Undertones.09Blue.10Mementos.11Closet.12Mirror.13Broken.14Collection.15Chenille.16Underneath.17Salvage.18Reckoning.19Sketch.20Portrait.21Bite.22Monster.23Defense.24Offense.25Legend.26Myth.27Obsession.28Death.29Possession.30Geography.31Rolex.32Watch.33Cogs.34Instrument.35Sensitivity.36Breeze.37Snow.38Light.39Sienna.40Faulty reasoning41Manslaughter.42Frankenstein.43Obscurity.44Purity.45Beatitude.46Princess Bride.47Paradise Lost.48Zombiepocalypse.49Teddy bears.50Writer's Choice.