Jan 01, 2008 21:08
Yeah, I did a crazy, squeaky dance of joy and excitement after I read the latest graphic novel 'The Ten Brides of Takezo Kensai.'
OMG he's got a wife out there! OMG she's gonna come and find him and dig him up! OMG Hiro's gonna be in such trouble if he doesn't beat her to it!
Also: one of the names Adam/Kensai has used over the years is 'Richard Sanders.' So hurrah for the impending charts we're all going to start drawing to figure out which pairings are incestual!
Sadly Adam apparently never got a civil union, but perhaps his imprisonment never gave him the chance …
A/N: This is what I posted to sword_mates, the Kiro community:
1692, Germany: Helene. Noticed he wasn't aging, called him the Devil,and fled into the woods. Apparently died in a nunnery.
1747, Italy: Maria. They had TWO SONS who Kensai abandoned because he "doesn't like children.'" Blah, American Revolution, blah.
Soon after, France: Frederica. Died of lead-based makeup. Ew.
1784, Japan (!): Yumi, Yaeko's great-granddaughter. Adam/Kensai got bored because Yumi "was not Yakeo'" and faked his own death-by-drowning.
1784, Northwest Territory (Oregon, Washington area): Angelica. He told her that he can't die, they were together for 62 years, telling people he was her husband, then son, then grandson. He held her hand when she died at age 87. *sniff-sniff*
1864, Atlanta Georgia: Maria. Civil War, Adam fought on '"the loosing side. Again." She died in a plantation fire after inhaling too much smoke while he was on the battlefield.
1901, Montreal, Canada: Diane. She got tuberculosis, he injected her with his blood while she was asleep, she recovered and died peacefully twenty-years later.
1926, Chicago: Louisa. She saw him regenerate his eye and spleen after a mugging and drank herself to death four months later.
1958, LA: Theresa. "never loved me'" because she and her lover shot Adam twice and dumped him off a cliff. He killed them later that night when they were asleep, so there goes the Bushido!
1977, NYC (I guess): Trina. "She remarried. Had children. Grandchildren. She died six years ago in a car accident. Thanks to Kaito and the others, I never got the chance to say good-bye.'" *sniff-sniff*
But wait! Adam then 'says':
"And now I'm alone. Died more times than I can count already in this coffin.
How long has it been? Hours? Days? Weeks?
What a cruel man you are, Hiro Nakamura.
But that suits me fine.
Because I have my newest bride out there ...
... and I'm certain she'll find me. "
Yeah, I exploded too.
(All words in quotations are property of Heroes, NBC, Tim Kring, whatever, not me!)
graphic novel,