- Army of Ghosts, Reprise of ‘Combat,’ Captain Jack Harkness - Fear Her, Reprise of ‘Out of Time,’ Combat - Love and Monsters, Snipit of ‘Random Shoes’ and ‘Out of Time’ - The Satan Pit, Reprise of ‘They Keep Killing Suzie,’ and ‘Random Shoes’ - The Impossible Planet, Reprise of ‘Tosh Snogs and Shags a Woman,’ They Keep Killing Suzie - Geeks Bearing Gifts - Small Worlds, Countrycide, Age of Steel - Cyberwoman - Episode 3 (the ghosts one) - Episode 2 - Episode 1
Rose, on the emo beach. Evil Torchwood. Ghosts = Cybermen. There are Daleks in that sphere-thingie. It’s the Season 2 finale. I can’t wait for Christmas, because I KNOW someone is getting me Season 3 of DW!
“I promise, I give you my word.” I would trust NINE to get me out of that situation. Ten just looks cutely determined, like that little kid who’s going to dig a hole to China no matter what.
Ew. Memory-suckage. Doctor Who: making you fear toilet-plungers since the 60’s.
“Daleks have no concept of elegance.”
“That is appartent.”
*sporfle* I would say that they’re having a penis-measuring contest but they have no such appendages. You just know the directors were having WAY TOO MUCH FUN with that fight. Also, where this footage comes from: (watch it, it’s hilarious.)
“This is not war, this is pest-control.” Hee hee hee …
“This s your fault! You and your Torchwood!” I refuse to disagree with that!
Oooo, something from Gallifrey …
JAKE! That’s his name! Slashy fun with Mickey, y/y?!
Rose-flashback! Yay! I REALLY miss Nine … even Psycho!Nine … especially Psycho!Nine … you know what I mean, Nine could appear for three seconds in her DAMN FLASHBACK and I’d die of joy.
“Harriet Jones.” “Ooo, watch her.” Heh …
“I surrender unto you. A very good idea.” Oh dear. That was used in a slash fic, I just know it …
“Social interation will cease!” I love the Daleks’ lines.
The Doctor kissed Mickey on the forehead!
You know what I want for Christmas? A spin-off series about the Time War. We all want it, why not give it to us?
Awwww, Pete and Jackie reunion! Awwww … that was a great scene.
“All Cybermen to Torchwood.” Erm, did some go to visit Jack by mistake? Where are Ianto and Lisa?
“Time Lord Science. It’s bigger on the inside.” Yeek! That’s one awesome prison-ship!
Ooo, the mesmerizing-Void-dusty-things!
“Hey, that’s what we should call it! Pete’s World!” Sound like a bad children’s show.
Ok, so the lady from Torchwood resists the Cybermen thing and shoots them and bleeds out of her eye-holes. I still think she deserved that. Also, I didn’t know it was POSSIBLE to resist a Cyberman-mind-converter-thing.
They should have handcuffed themselves to those clamps.
Oh no! The haunting Season 1 music of doom and death and change and glowing stuff!
NO! *squeak*
Those two, on either side of the wall, Rose looking like my SOUL right now and Ten doing a fine imitation of Nine, made me want to sob for hours. And not just because it’s that time of the month for me either.
What?! Pete and Jackie and Mickey and Rose didn’t take Jake along? Nooooooo … *in denial*
“I’m burning up a sun just to say goodbye.” *wet cough*
Norway! (Vikings!) Bad-Wolf Bay: awesome.
Whew! Thank god Rose isn’t preggers. Oh, she’s going to work for Good-Torchwood. Yay …
Oh yeah, I cried. Not properly, but my eyes were wet and I was making squeaking whimpering noises for like five minutes. No no no no NO! You can’t have the New-Doctor-Who without ROSE!
Aaaaaah, my favorite Torchwood episode!
Is being offered tea normal in England? It sounds sketchy to my American ears. Then again, EVERYTHING Bilis says sound sketchy to my American ears.
What’s a cravat?
Does Ianto have a home? Gwen lives with Rhys, Owen has his Fortress-of-Brooding-and-Smex, and Tosh has that place where she and ‘Mary’ snogs and shagged, but we’ve never seen Ianto’s house. Does he sleep at Torchwood, in the-bed-Jack-doesn’t-nap-on-but-probably-does-many-interesting-things-with-STOPWATCHES-on? Hey, a girl can dream on this show!
Bilis should totally get his ‘timpieces’ fixed at Gray and Sons.
Great, now I want cry all over again. Sometimes I HATE being a woman … *rummages around for chocolate*
End of Days (Otherwise known as: Rift-Mania, The Season Finale of Torchwood.)
Erm, didn’t Rhys and Gwen have a fight?
Fuzzed out ass … America is such a lame place …
Stock footage of India they used in ‘Army of Ghosts’ and ‘Doomsday.’ Why is India on the English news so much in the Who-verse? I mean, in America you hardly ever hear about Canada and Mexico and they’re RIGHT NEXTDOOR! *winces* This country is so stupid.
‘End of Days’ … oh COME ON, they say that every season finale of every damn show I watch!
Three words, people: Call. The. Doctor.
“And all your staff having feelings.” The whole damn point, JACK! Torchwood is so messed up because everyone dies and gets Haitian’d and you never talk about it!
Hee, Mulder and Scully …
“Ordinarily an exuberant Roman Soldier would be my idea of a good morning.” *sporfle* Oh Jack, that’s right up there with the twin acrobats book you’re planning …
Black Death! *momentarily passes out in Shakespearian knowledge*
Erm, Tosh’s mommy. Note: Ka-san = mom. Too-san = dad (thank you Hiro!) I really need to get back on that DW/Torchwood/Heroes crossover fic …
Utto. The First/Maury Parkman guest-stars on Torchwood. Luverly.
Oh man, AWESOME scene. Owen being set to be fed Haitian-Pills does not upset me at all. It’s about time, in my opinion.
Bilis works in a creepy-clock-shop, a la Sylar.
Heh, he stole Hiro’s power!
Utto, Rhys is gonna die! *gaspshorror*
Ok, so Gwen locks Rhys in a cell. *sporfle*
Oh my god! Ew! Bilis stabbed Rhys twice with a nasty looking knife. Why? I don’t know.
I keep waiting for the TARDIS to fall through the Rift and end up in Torchwood.
Ok, that is the LOUDEST fit of grief I’ve ever heard. Ouch, Gwen, that broke some glass, and my eardrums.
“We all end up alone.” Yeesh.
Opening the Rift won’t WORK you IDIOTS! You fucking idiots!
Jack tires to talk some sense into his team by recapping the past season rather scathingly, bringing up Cyber-girlfriend and Mary and the Weevil-Cage-Fight-of-Homoerotica and the-pairing-you-can’t-name.
JACK IS SHOT. But he doesn’t get up right away. I think he’s faking … dunno why.
And then the episode goes to hell. I mean, a giant-horned-shadow-life-sucking-beast? L-A-M-E. My dad was all ‘wtf Godzilla?’
So Jack lets the giant-beast suck his Time-Vortex and then the monster crumples and dies and disappears and Jack looks dead.
And suddenly everything is ok, but Jack is DEAD so everything is WRONG in my books.
Why does Gwen sit with Jack? She’s known him for the shortest amount of time and hasn’t slept with him. What’s the point? Meanwhile, Ianto huggles The Jacket and all the fangirls squee forlornly in the background.
So Gwen kisses Jack and he comes back to life. Yeah, I don’t even know, but Jack’s alive so I really don’t care. The fact that he promptly embraces and kisses Ianto is spurring this ‘whatevs’ state of mind.
“What wouldhave temped you to open up the Rift?”
“The right kind of doctor.”
*sporfle* That comment is made all the better by Jack’s Doctor-Detector going off right after that.
Jack smiles as the breeze ruffles his hair sexily and the TARDIS music plays.
Papers fly about! Jack vanishes! Gwen and Co are confuzzled! See ya in January!