- Fear Her, Reprise of ‘Out of Time,’ Combat - Love and Monsters, Snipit of ‘Random Shoes’ and ‘Out of Time’ - The Satan Pit, Reprise of ‘They Keep Killing Suzie,’ and ‘Random Shoes’ - The Impossible Planet, Reprise of ‘Tosh Snogs and Shags a Woman,’ They Keep Killing Suzie - Geeks Bearing Gifts - Small Worlds, Countrycide, Age of Steel - Cyberwoman - Episode 3 (the ghosts one) - Episode 2 - Episode 1
I have the WEIRDEST songs stuck in my head. Panic! At the Disco and Lemon Demon and WOW … *shakes head*
‘Army of Ghosts’ [Now THAT was more like it! The previous episodes haven’t been up to scratch, but this one …]
What?! Rose died?! Army of ghosts, what war? Torchwood? How can you have died if you’re standing emo-ly on that pretty, pretty beach telling us this?
Oooo, flying sting rays!
Hee, Jackie kissed the Doctor! I want a ballozabur or whatever …
“Since when did ghosts have shifts? Since when did shifts have ghosts?” Hee …
Utto, Torchwood … this won’t end well.
Ecto-shine! *grins*
A huge, ominous sphere. And Torchwood. This can’t be good.
OMG a Cyberman! No!
Ghostbusters joke … hee …
The infamous 3-D glasses …
“If we end up on Mars I’m going ta kill ya.” She gets all the good line …
Oh FRAK. It’s never good when people expect the Doctor. I want Jack to show up and interrogate the Doctor, is that so much to ask?
“They can shoot me dead but I have the moral high-ground.” Hmmm … a statement that HRG can attest to right now …
“Welcome to Torchwood.” EVIL! Evil peoples! Anti-alien! They’re worse than the Initiative because they’re not silly or a joke, they’re sexy and badass and DANGEROUS. I hope the Doctor blows them up.
“If I’m the enemy, does that mean I’m a prisoner?” “Oh yes.” *sporfle* The ridiculousness of the fact that Torchwood thinks they can keep the Doctor prisoner short-circuited my brain. I mean, he’s walking around like he OWNS the place … though the thing where she’s all ‘No Doctor,” when he goes the wrong was cute. If the Doctor was in Torchwood: Cardiff he would be sexily tortured, but not so at London!
That window-shatter thing was awesome … I love how he stopped them with reverse-psychology. Why is she ticked off that the Doctor ‘lords’ over humans? He always manages to SAVE THE EARTH by doing so. What does Torchwood do? Shoot things out of the sky and dissect aliens.
Oh, clever use of psychic paper! (I didn’t know it worked on machines too.) D’oh! He caught ya! Look, Mickey! *dances*
“Good, then we can have her shot.” Lovely people …
Please tell me Mickey had many, many slashy adventures with what’s-his-name-anarchist-due in NOT-Oz’s-van. Please. Has someone got linkies? Must I write it myself?
WTF?! NOOOOOOOOO!!! Nononononononononnono! Are they NEVER ex-ter-min-ated?!
Next Week: the season finale where Daleks and Cybermen roam and ex-ter-min-ate and blash the bejeesus out of the human race and Rose is sucked into the Void.
Stuff I forgot last week with ‘Combat’
Owen seems to have been taking badass lessons with Mohinder and West. Sadly, it does not make him sexy OR a more appealing character to me.
“I have this selective deafness when speaking to cowards and murders.” That’s a great line, but all I want for Christmas is a clip of John Barrowman dancing to that silly ringtone.
Oh, ew. Rhys is going to a STRIP CLUB. I didn’t catch that last week …
Ah, the subtext with Lynch and Owen: ew/I wish that could have stayed.
Ianto had this perfect little smirk/smile when he pulled that curtain in the hospital. If he got together with Nathan think of all the little facial expressions we could sigh over …
Is the ‘something coming’ James Marsters by any chance? That would be SO AWESOME!
Geez, that scene between Owen and Lynch in the room with the fireplace could have read like a Mylar scene. Of course, their scene before Owen gets into the cage had a lot more sexual undertones than usual scenes with Mohinder and Sylar but whatevs.
I don’t like the Tribal-Violins-of-Weevil-Doom.
‘Captain Jack Harkness’ [my favorite episode yet.]
[Why have we been getting so many episodes devoted to Owen? Are we supposed to go ‘oh, poor Owen! He has PROBLEMS, not like Tosh whose only lover went up in flames or Suzie who I won’t even get into or Gwen whose perfect little world is going to pieces or Jack who they won’t even TELL US about or Ianto whose girlfriend murdered peoples and then was shot right in front of him! Yeah, poor OWEN for loosing a woman he knew for a week and then getting an entire episode devoted to his creepy subtext with another guy!
(Sorry for the rant.)]
Vote Saxon?! I know about that! *points excitedly*
Ooo, what a lovely set … yay! They’re back in time!
Ianto is in one hot suit in this episode.
Owen’s sleeping on the couch … that’s just a perfect touch …
Yay! Dancing! Boo! Racism!
“You could always dance with me.” Hell yeah! I’ll dance with you! I know how to foxtrot! *rummages around for heels*
Oooo, creepy photographer …
The ACTUAL Captain Jack Harkness! Sweet!
“I didn’t know he’d be so hot.” Hee … personally I don’t think Actual-Jack is hot, but I’d rather look at him than Owen for an entire episode so go right ahead Fake-Jack!
Buwuh? Bilis is in the now?!
“I’ll make you a nice cup of tea.” DRUGGED tea, perhaps?
Looks like Owen’s opening up the TARDIS …
Oh, Owen do NOT go there. Do not bring up ‘Cyberwoman’ and expect Ianto to remain calm and free of gunporn.
Wow. Ouch. What tortured and killed Jack’s best friend? *shivershiver* Are THEY what’s moving-in-the-dark?
Weee, bomb-shelter!
Eeeew! Tosh sliced open her hand and wrote in her own blood! That’s pretty morbid for her …
Owen said ‘timepieces’ … Sylar would love him.
“I’ve got a first-aid kit in the van.” I bet you DO cutesy-solider-boy …
Awwww … Jack on Jack ahead!
What Jack is saying can be summed up as ‘Carpe Noche’ or ‘seize the night.’ The opposite of ‘Carpe Diem.’
Ok, now what Jack is saying can be summed up as ‘go off with that girl and leave me to suffer alone NOW.’
Meanwhile, Owen proceeds to open the prop-closet while Ianto glowers as his boyfriend’s super-sekkrit-stuff is searched through by a semi-crazy man with a wide mouth.
Awwwww … hand-holding! Go away, interrupting het! My dad just made an ‘awww!’ noise!
Owen, don’t kick Ianto! He’s already hurting INSIDE!
“It’s like they’re keeping me for something. I don’t know what.” To become a Companion in Season 3, of course!
Gunporn! Owen, STOP insulting Ianto! That stuff about wet-dreams and being a shag on the side is really low and OMG Ianto really shot him! Good thing, too, because the fangirls were about to do it for you!
*insert by biggest, loudest, most ear-piercing, glass-shattering SQUEE of my life*
(My father made this lovely ‘AWWWWWWW!’ noise, btw, so thank you Torchwood.)
What? Bilis no likey the slash?
To Captain Jack Harkness indeed. *raises glass*
Next Week: Bad rift stuff. Season finale. Bilis, the skeeviest man alive to not work for the Company. Gunporn. Hazmat suits. More annoying Owen, apparently ‘relieving’ Jack of his Captain-ity. Actually, a lot like Season 2 of Heroes, now that I think on it …