This one’s a doozy, gonna be very long, VERY long days driving. My mommy is going with me this time, we’re going from New England to Yellowstone, down to the Grand Canyon, and then quickly through the Vegas strip just to see it, and then to LA, which will be my new home. (Those are places I missed on my last trip out, because I didn’t have the time.) We’re going to be driving VERY LONG DAYS and switching off.
So, I need podcast recommendations again! But this time, stuff that my mom will also like, not just me.
So far I’ve got Stuff You Missed In History Class and Rex Factor and The Thrilling Adventure Hour lined up. But I’ll need more.
Some information about my mom’s tastes:
- History of all sorts
- Cooking (specifically baking)
- Word-based humor
Things to avoid:
- Gore/gross out stuff
- Horror
- Sci Fi/Fantasy
It’s gonna be tricky but any recommendations would be much appreciated.