What aunt_zelda Thinks: The 100, Season 1, Episode 5, Ned Stark Syndrome

Feb 14, 2015 14:04

Are we seriously reducing Raven’s entire motivation to “she wants to bang her boyfriend again?” Really? She’s saving HUMANITY. The boyfriend this is a nice perk on the side.
Bellend, of course, has “bad” sex, which is to say, he has two shirtless ladies in his bed with him. Because threesomes are EVIL.
But heaven forbid his sister have consensual sex with someone.
Space Obama decides to sacrifice himself. Which is understandable, him having lost his son and been wounded and facing an assassin and being called weak all the time.

Backstabby Asshole at least looks ashamed and upset about this. Maybe I should rename him. He’s not cute enough for me to call him Murder Puppy. I will work on this.

See, these scenes are why I love the show. People making tough ethical and moral decisions. Do you save humanity by killing innocents, or fight and fight against impossible odds in the vain hope of saving everyone? Realistically, they can’t bank on Raven and the kids surviving on a possibly toxic Earth. Realistically, they have to do this. This is not a bad move. It’s a tough, but smart decision.
Bellend, being a dick, ignores a wounded semi-conscious person he has never met and destroys their sole chance of getting food, medical supplies, and assistance against the Earth’s monsters, chemical clouds, and hostile humanoids (humans?) Because he’s scared he’ll get shot for assassinating the Chancellor. Because he is a Bellend.

Like, dude, come on, you think your sister’s gonna live for long in this world without medical supplies, filtration systems, good weapons, or social order? She’s gonna get pregnant and die in childbirth. You want that? Seriously? Let the Station Management come down, and as soon as you see them, run off and hide somewhere. Your sister will be safe.

This guy is an asshole who is smart when the plot demand it, and stupid when the plot demands it. He needs to stop being so inconsistent here and stop thinking in the short-term so much.

Like this isn’t some small-scale thing. He is willing and ready to condemn hundreds of people to death on the off-chance that someone knows he shot the Chancellor and will hunt him down in a few months or a year. Like, that is time he could be spending exploring Earth, building a safe-house, making a splinter-society that’ll protect him if Station Management wants to come after him.
But no, he’s ok letting hundreds of innocent people die because he couldn’t get on a shuttle to stalk his sister forever. He is ok dooming humanity. All of humanity.
Wow, I love the Mom, but she just made a terrible plan. Like, do they have another shuttle ready to send hundreds of people down to Earth? I don’t think so. She just told a bunch of oxygen starved desperate people “300 of you are gonna be killed in a few hours, and all of us will die in a few months.” PEOPLE ARE GOING TO RIOT. THIS IS SUCH A BAD IDEA. THIS IS NOT SMART OR NOBLE OR GOOD. THIS IS STUPID AND NASTY AND WRONG.
God, Ned Stark Syndrome is just going around like the common cold.
Blondie is taking this really well, thank the gods. Let’s hope things stay that way.

Ok, the show got a strong emotional response out of me. That’s not difficult but it is a good sign. At least someone on the writing staff is doing a good job.

I mean, obviously this is a thing that would happen. But there would also be riots.
Also, if only the noble people sacrifice themselves, doesn’t that mean only the self-serving assholes will survive and live on and pass along their genes and morals to their kids? This is just culling all the Noble Sacrifice people who are willing to do what they can for the good of the collective, and leaving all the people who are “every man for himself” about life. Which is not a good long-term solution.

Also, how are they determining “essential personnel” vs non-essential? I’m sensing some classism going on here. I wanna know more about that.

Another strong scene between I Need A Better Nickname For This Guy and Space Obama. I’m loving those scenes so much. It’s like I’m watching Battlestar Galactica again.
Oh my god.
They actually … did that.

I can see why someone told me to give it until episode 5 to decide whether to keep watching.

Jesus H. Christ.

They just … they actually did that. And we see the mass grave. Well, the rooms full of bodies. It is very upsetting. I cried. A lot.

This does not excuse the other issues with the show but the stuff on the space station is VERY strong and I am very much enjoying it. It’s hitting me in my emotions and doing great complex character work and I’m really, really loving this.
Oh for god’s sake, Blondie getting jealous? Stop. Work out a time-share with Shaggy Hair or step off. You have more important worries.
Oh hey, it’s the Power Rangers Mask guy! : DDDDDDDDD
Dammit, this means Snarky Girl is gonna be Trapped by Mountain Lions. A lot. I can sense it.

the 100, what aunt_zelda thinks, tv show

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