- The Satan Pit, Reprise of ‘They Keep Killing Suzie,’ and ‘Random Shoes’ - The Impossible Planet, Reprise of ‘Tosh Snogs and Shags a Woman,’ They Keep Killing Suzie - Geeks Bearing Gifts - Small Worlds, Countrycide, Age of Steel - Cyberwoman - Episode 3 (the ghosts one) - Episode 2 - Episode 1
Ok, now my hair is kinda auburny burgundy blond brown purple. I love it!
Ahhh, I went flying yesterday, I’m so happy! I can do 40° turns much better now!
Also, it’s officially November here. November is like a separate season: you’ve got fall, November, and winter. Kinda like March, in that sense …
Doctor Who: Love and Monsters
Well, this was quite a lot like ‘Random Shoes’ actually. Bit cuter and funnier, and I kinda prefer the Torchwood one, but I really wish both cute-fan-insight-boys could have stuck around.
But that corridor-chasing scene, I nearly died. That was just too much. Dear god … Ten dangling the steak and Rose throwing the boiling water and the impending hilarious chase … genius. Loved that.
I don’t like Ursula’s voice. I also think the whole ‘my girlfriend is a head on a tile’ is a bit odd and almost disturbing …
TARDIS hyroglyphics! Awesome! Bliss is nutty as a fruit-cake … ‘what the Doctor represents’ indeed … *gigglespaz*
‘LINDA’ … Lynda lives on! *beams* I loved it when they were jamming …
How did evil-faux-Slitheen-Victor hack into Torchwod?! That’s pretty damn impressive …
I like the Badwolf Virus thing. Nice touch.
Hee, I love how he found Rose in like two seconds. So silly. And the scene at the Laundromat: perfect.
I wish he could have stuck around to be Jackie’s friend. Poor Jackie, how many idiots from Torchwood and stuff like LINDA have shown up and been nice to her to get to Rose and the Doctor? Poor woman.
I loved the scene where Elton shouts at Victor, and, still shouting, asks Ursula out. It’s cute.
Eeeeew! That’s DISGUSTING. Your face gets sucked onto that icky green man! Poor LINDA!
‘Clom’ … hee. The writers were having way too much fun with this episode.
At least poor Elton got Rose-huggles, as well he should, seeing as an Elemental Shade (can we have more on that, please?!) killed his mom.
‘Salvation and damnation are the same thing.’ Christ, growing up in Maine, all you ever hear about is Steven King. I HATE HIM! He’s so SCARY! Can’t we have ANOTHER world-wide-famous author come from Maine and get mentioned in context to Maine all the time?! It gets annoying …
Ok, that’s TWICE we’ve gotten ominous hints about something happening to Rose. I KNOW something bad happens, but nobody ever told me … *worries*
This was a rockin’ episode, considering nothing happened.
A few things I missed last week from ‘Random Shoes’:
What’s an RTA?
Do we ever find out about that whacky eye and that whacky professor? Bet not … *sigh* You could make Swiss Cheese with all these plot holes.
Oooo, Ianto-sighting! For like three seconds he’s onscreen … bet he and Jack were too busy smexing it up to get onscreen for this episode … why couldn’t we have seen THAT instead of Eugene’s weepy mom and scary friends?
“A hand … in a jar …” *sporfles* that will never cease to crack me up.
And, once again, I’m left going ‘huh?’
[Ok, here’s what I don’t get:
We get an entire episode devoted to Tosh snogging and shagging an alien in a woman suit.
We get a scene in EPISODE 2 of Gwen and a girl possessed by an alien, flailing about in a cell.
We get EXSESSIVE SMUT of Owen and Diane this episode.
But all we get with Iack is implication of STOPWATCH!Love! Nothing but a hint! Jesus, Shiva, and Zeus!]
Ah, a plane! Nice way to being. *biased*
“1953.” That’s weird … this should be good.
They have awesome jackets. I want their jackets. I want everyone’s jackets. Even yours dear reader! Muhahahaha!
Jack, you can’t slash with everyone you meet. It’s a bit rude.
“Of course, bananas are more interesting.” Bananas are good! (Seriously, what is it with this show and bananas?)
Ianto should be a tour-guide for Time Travelers. He’s so good at it. Of course, he’d get a lot of giggling girls pretending to be Time Travelers …
This is just so cute … porn and DVDs and bananas … what’s going to mess this up?
*wibbles* To be stuck on the ground, unable to fly … eeek! ’Course, the impending Owen-sex terrifies me just as much as that thought.
“Did you fall through time too?” *giggles and cries*
“I’m waiting for you to pull out my chair.” Hee! Humbling Owen: always good!
Heh, pink-girl is getting drunk with the college girls [edit: I was confused when there were no race or sexuality issues brought up. I mean, America in the fifties was pretty horrific, and I kinda expected Diane and Emma to say something about Emma’s roommates.]
Why can only the Christians afford adds? I’m up for Hindu adds!
“It’s the next best thing to flying.” Those two squick me out. I want Iack!
John’s son … that’s so sad. So very, very sad. “Who are you?” I nearly cried. Leave it to Torchwood to make Christmas depressing.
That sex-talk with Gwen and Emma was cute and hilarious. And, again, we have another rave. That’s like sixteen this season … what is it with Cardiff and raves? Not that I’m complaining, mind you …
I love that painting in Gwen and Rhys’ house. You know, the one with the really blue sky and orangey brown earth? It had tinsel on it this episode.
“There’s Torchwood, then there’s real life.” Gwen, you’re reading my mind … I think like that.
Awww, I loved Owen and Diane’s dance scene. (Though it was a full moon, so they should have been cautious of roaming werewolves.) The dance scene made me realize that Owen is pretty short … when I dance in my HEELS I still don’t come up to my partner’s eyes, and I’m not exactly a short!
Tell me Jack and Ianto are smutting it up at Christmas … dammit. We only needed a flustered Ianto pulling on his pants to answer a phone or something and Jack calling him back! (I know in my heart that Ianto is like a theater actor: he can put on lots of clothes in about five seconds. He’s ALWAYS got that suit on when we see him … he must be really good at putting it on fast.)
I knew John was going to try to kill himself. I don’t know how but I did.
“Don’t condem me to live.” Eeeek! I wish all of John and Jack’s awesome scenes weren’t interrupted by the yicky/romantic Owen/Diane stuff.
Oh my god, John really killed himself … and left Jack to stare broodingly into space, depressed that he can’t die too.
Awwww, good luck Emma! Farewell Gwen femmeslash!
No Diane! Don’t leave! You make Owen tolerable!
What the FRAK, another pointless, slash-less episode?! WHAT’S GOING ON?!
Next week: What’s-Moving-In-The-Dark has the voice of a sexy supervillain. This is awesome, but driving the Weevil crazy … er. Rhys may or may ot find out about the Gwen/Owen thing, but he’s wicked pissed about SOMETHING, perhaps that you can’t give a NAME to Gwen/Owen.
Do you know what would really get me uber-excited about next weekend, though? Iack in the promo clips. Please. God. Russell T. Davies. Iack onscreen, por favor! If you can devote all that time to Owen/Diane sex, you can have SOME Iack! It takes so little to make the fangirls explode …