Oct 01, 2014 22:43
Today I did something I haven't done in years.
I felt really stressed and upset due to a memory getting dredged up from high school.
So I did one of the things I did back then to cope. I started folding paper cranes to fold up my stress into them.
I know that sounds like one of the more pretenious things you've heard in a while, but I honesty used to do that. And I did again today. Haven't folded a crane in ages, just got so busy. I hadn't forgotten how. I used to make loads of those, even sold them at a Christmas fair two years in a row. (Those fucking lillies though, I always forget how to do those. I remember how to start, not the middle bit, always gotta look it up on youtube how to do that, then I can make gorgeous fucking lillies out of paper squares. It's best to do those with double-sided colorful paper, which I have. Finally opened a packet I bought in ... god, I think it was 9th grade? I can tell where I got it, the museum sticker is still on the packet. Wow.)
And it took a bit but eventually the nasty feelings faded. And now I want to do more origami again, for fun, not just for folding up my stress.