So, tonight I finally saw it. I don't know what I was waiting for, I got busy when it came out and I ... never got around to it for some reason.
But tonight it was Kitty's birthday, and so in our Common Room those of us who hadn't left for Spring Break got together, ate chocolate pancakes, and watched Tangled a little after midnight. Because college. I almost wasn't going to stay but my good friend Sean convinced me.
And ... wow. That movie is goddamn beautiful. The animation. Those LANTERNS. The COLORS. The DESIGNS. I ... wow. Utterly gorgeous. I was half crying at how beautiful the lanterns were, though mostly crying at the parents's faces. They conveyed so much with roles that had no lines. I ... wow.
The emotionally abusive relationship was horrifying. I wanted to curl up and hide a couple times, it was just ... auuuuugh. My skin was crawling. Disney's scariest villain in a long time, in my opinion, because she's so real. Too real, at times, for my comfort level. And she wasn't in the movie all that much, what was getting to me was Rapunzel's conflicting emotions after running away, her joy and self-loathing, her glee and then horror at hurting her "mother's" feelings. Just ... *shudders*
And Flynn. Oh Flynn. He was such a dick at the start and then he turned out to be a pretty good guy. I'd have preferred more character development but hey, he got some good lines and spent most of the movie being 'Man In the Wrong Movie' person, so something had to get cut out and that's fine by me.
Maximus was by far my favorite. I cheered when he showed up the second or third time, to be honest. I got really invested in his desires and character. It helped that one of the guys in the common room started singing Javert's lines from "The Confrontation" during Maximus's scenes. Aahahahhahaa, it is so true. Maximus is a horse who acts like a dog who acts like Javert. Except he's pursuing a legit criminal and thief, not The Nicest Man In France. And ya'll know how much I love Javert. So Javert as a funny but committed and badass horse was pretty much going to win my heart.
This movie was WEIRD. Chameleon, frying pans, that scene in the BAR (which I LOVED, good god), magical glowing hair, lanterns, and Inspector Javert as a horse.
It was also surprisingly dark at times. I knew about the abusive relationship going in, but a dude got fucking STABBED in this movie! He bled out! And he was almost hanged! And Gothel's death scene was really scary, as evil as she was it was still pretty awful to watch anyone die like that.
Also, I was not expecting the virginity metaphor to be that strong. Gothel is like "give him that and then see if he sticks around, babe, he'll run off and leave you once he gets what he wants! Men always do!" like gee I wonder what that could symbolize? (Seriously though, that crown is her virginity.) "I was going to give this to you earlier, but I was scared, so here it is now because I'm ready" ... and then they did it in the boat. Metaphorically. (I think ...)
So yeah, loved the movie, though some scenes I would skip on the second run through if I were watching on my own, for silliness reasons or uncomfortable relationship reasons.