These are the sudden impulse thoughts that came to mind as I was watching. Not a full recap, just random yelling and squeeing and freaking out and blue-screening. It's incomprehensible at times.
After the episode I was crying and sobbing and hurting in my soul. Luckily I posted to Facebook about having just seen the episode and how I was crying, and
Read more... )
…Ahem. Anyway.
JIM, NO! Why make me love you ("I'm Mr. Sex." DUDE! Just stop!) and then make yourself die?! Noes! [waterworks]
(Okay, yeah, sure, I sort of spoiled the fact that he ended up dying from a bullet to the mouth thanks to me accidentally seeing a split-second gif of that, but I still squeaked in horror when I finally saw the ep and realized that he shot HIMSELF out of nowhere. I mean, fuck.) D':
And maybe have her help you fake your death? [Edit: I did not know that was going to happen, I swear, I typed this as I was watching! Uncanny!]
That was actually a theory that was going around Tumblr about a week or so before TRF aired, along with the idea that Molly probably wasn't going to survive the episode.
Now everyone's gonna think Sherlock is evil and constructing crimes.
I sort of knew that the plot was going to revolve around Sherlock's reputation getting tarnished by Jim due to some spoilers that were posted on Tumblr, but yeah, I immediately felt absolute dread as soon as that girl screamed… o_o
"I'm just, uh…"
"My hostage!" XD
Also, Mycroft is an asshole. And he fucked-up.
Oh yeah, I really got pissed at him this episode. Damn, this season really made him so cold, and he screwed up real badly a few times this time around. Almost makes me wish that I'm right with my theory that the only one that would probably know Sherlock's alive is Molly. (But then again, that'd screw with this theory I have on how he survived, so…)
More like just underestimated her usefulness. Plus, he didn't know about Sherlock making amends with her…
I screamed. I screamed. I screamed. MORIARTY NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
…I just went dead silent for ten seconds, and my sister literally got freaked out when all I did was squeak out, "…Jim?"
Ah, slightly better…
(By the way, have you heard about this yet?
Ahahahahahaa, Jim is so fabulous. It's like Sylar and the Master and the JOker all rolled into one little psychotic adorable camp man. I would literally kill to be the one to feed him his gum! *squees and swoons*
and then make yourself die?! Noes! [waterworks]
I am so upset about that. I mean, really, HE WAS MY FAVORITE AND YOU KILLED HIM??!!!??!?!?!?!? NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I mean, yeah, they built up him having a kind of existential crisis and dealing with Sherlock and then being all "oh, you are me ..." and kinda transferring himself to Sherlock so there was nothing left of HIM in his body so of course he shot himself because he wasn't himself anymore ... but NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I wanted him to survive! I'll have to do what I always do when something like this happens: read epic AU fanfic where he lives!
I actually managed to avoid spoilers, because besides going through backlogs of the Kink Meme, I'm not in the online Sherlock fandom like at all.
"I'm just, uh…"
"My hostage!" XD
That was PERFECTION. What was Sherlock's plan if John didn't punch that asshole and get handcuffed to Sherlock, anyway? Grab Lestrade? Oh gods, fanfic ... nooooooooo!
Oh yeah, I really got pissed at him this episode. Damn, this season really made him so cold, and he screwed up real badly a few times this time around.
Why you break everything, Mycroft? Stupid Umbrella Man!
Then again, it makes sense for his character. The stuff with Irene showed him how dangerous it can be to let his emotions (i.e. caring about his brother) control him, so he did a complete 180 to letting information matter more than keeping Sherlock safe. And that cost him his brother. To be fair, he looks pretty shaken up about it, but he still prioritized information/secrets over his own brother's life.
Almost makes me wish that I'm right with my theory that the only one that would probably know Sherlock's alive is Molly.
I really hope that is the case. Well, Molly, and then the homeless network I expect (he's been good to them, they'd help him out/not care about the papers/not believe the papers) and SEBASTIAN FUCKING MORAN. And the remnants of Moriarty's people that Sherlock goes around horribly murdering for years.
(But then again, that'd screw with this theory I have on how he survived, so…)
Oooooo, what's your theory? I haven't really got a theory, just a bunch of random ideas brainstormed with friends over the past week.
More like just underestimated her usefulness. Plus, he didn't know about Sherlock making amends with her…
I thought it was very telling when Sherlock listed "friends" that Moriarty had posted assassins on, and Sherlock left Molly out so as to not put her in danger, and Moriarty forgot about her. That worked to their advantage, that Moriarty forgot Molly. *glomps Molly* Molly wins!
…I just went dead silent for ten seconds, and my sister literally got freaked out when all I did was squeak out, "…Jim?"
Auuuuuuw! *hugs you* It all happened so fast that I just screamed and then there was a lot of crying because of what Sherlock had to do. When I watched it again, with my friends, we were all pretty stunned.
At one point, the guy who'd seen the whole series for the first time that day had said nothing all day during the episodes (the rest of us were chuckling and asking questions and speculating and making pervy jokes) but he was silent. Until Sherlock jumped. Then my friend Brad said "... no! Noooooooo!" It was funny in a sad kind of way.
Those certainly are some happy pictures! I love how the actors in Sherlock make the most hilarious expressions. It's like they're cartoon characters sometimes, it's epic.
(By the way, have you heard about this yet?
... by which I mean, yes, yes I have heard.
I would literally kill to be the one to feed him his gum!
Oh god… My sister had to snap me out of my wide-eyed, hysterical shock/amazement/trance at that part. It didn't help that for some reason, she felt that she missed something due to my squeeing and just kept rewinding the episode. I'm surprised that she didn't try gagging me. XD
…they built up him having a kind of existential crisis and dealing with Sherlock and then being all "oh, you are me ..." and kinda transferring himself to Sherlock so there was nothing left of HIM in his body so of course he shot himself because he wasn't himself anymore ...
…Well. I certainly think of it that way. I mainly believed that one of the reasons that he (possibly) did that was because he just didn't want Sherlock to have any way out of the situation he was in.
I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HIM! I wonder how he finds out about Sherlock being alive. You know, if he does find out.
Oooooo, what's your theory?
Well, I think that by now, everyone's heard of the conveniently-placed-truck-next to-Bart's-with-human-sized-trash-bags-in-it idea, so I'll just cut to the part where Mycroft might be involved: When you see Sherlock crash onto the pavement, you have less than a second to see that when he lands, the sidewalk looks suspiciously deserted of people, then they just appear out of nowhere when you get the arial shot of the street. Kind of odd, considering that there were people down there, walking around, when Sherlock and Jim were on the roof. One person has said that the street was probably cleared thanks to Mycroft, and that the people that suddenly came running out to crowd around Sherlock's body and kept John away from him were most likely working for him in some way. A lot of people are saying that those people are actually Sherlock's homeless network, but really, there's no way that the network has clothes like the ones those people were wearing.
Then my friend Brad said "... no! Noooooooo!"
ROFL! Oh, I'd be cracking up so badly at a reaction like that if I was there. I take a lot of my content feelings by seeing people angst over something.
By the way, speaking of hilarious expressions on the show, this basically sums it up:
Coincidentally, I stumbled across the Life on Mars (UK version) article on TV Tropes (take a wild guess as to which actor's page I was on before that), and I was suddenly reminded of when the American version was being advertised when I was starting high school. Didn't know it was a ripoff a Americanized version of another series, though, until literally an hour ago, mostly because I completely forgot about its existence.
But seriously - being set in New York City. What. The. Hell? It's bad enough that this is blatantly being created as a way to cash in on the Sherlock craze and that it's called "Elementary." As much as I love NYC (which, trust me, is a lot - I've been there twice already), I'm very tempted to draw the line right there if I haven't drawn one somewhere already. I usually don't see stuff as blasphemous since I'm a bit of an AU junkie myself, but this… [wishes she wasn't emotionless enough to not cry over it all]
America. Please stop it with the UK ripoffs. It makes you look even worse in my eyes.
Dude, dude, DUUUUUUUUUUDE! It's not just Ten and Simm!Master, it's every Doctor and Master. We're talkin' DECADES of UST and FoeYay and HoYay and everyone just pretty much accepts that they're totally bitter ex boyfriends and it's beautiful. You're gonna love it. Sherlock and Moriarty in the BBC show were basically built on this idea "oh, people reacted positively to Ten and Simm!Master, let's do that but EVEN MORESO with Sherlock and Jim!"
Oh god… My sister had to snap me out of my wide-eyed, hysterical shock/amazement/trance at that part. It didn't help that for some reason, she felt that she missed something due to my squeeing and just kept rewinding the episode. I'm surprised that she didn't try gagging me. XD
*fans self* I had that same reaction, but most of it was in my head, not outward.
…Well. I certainly think of it that way. I mainly believed that one of the reasons that he (possibly) did that was because he just didn't want Sherlock to have any way out of the situation he was in.
Oh yes, that was most likely a factor as well. "Heh heh ... fuck you Sherlock, you gotta die too!" and "There's no reason for me to keep going anymore ... bye now!"
Some people are speculating that he might have survived. There are ways to shoot yourself in the head and survive if you get immediate medical attention. I'm half hoping he comes back because I love his character ... and half hoping he stays dead because that was a good ending for him. I'd be good with either situation. Though at that point it'd be like "does nobody stay dead on this show? What is it with faking deaths?! Irene, Sherlock, Moriarty, that banker ... everybody fakes their death! Nobody stays dead!" but I wouldn't care because Jim would be back.
I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HIM! I wonder how he finds out about Sherlock being alive. You know, if he does find out.
ME TOO!!!!! ZOMG HE IS MY FAVORITE!!!!!! I wonder how he'll find out too ... and how they'll handle his character ... and yeah, he's totally gonna find out, he always does, and then the hunt begins for tiger!Sherlock and it will be awesome.
I wonder if Mycroft knows. He might not know ... and that would just hurt so bad if he didn't know, and never got to apologize for selling Sherlock's secrets to Jim.
The crowd of people are mighty suspicious. I think at the very least the guy on the bike was paid by Sherlock (whether he's part of the homeless network or not - Sherlock had hours to get this going) to hit John and disorient him.
ROFL! Oh, I'd be cracking up so badly at a reaction like that if I was there. I take a lot of my content feelings by seeing people angst over something.
It was funny in a sad way. He hadn't spoken all day during 9 hours of tv and he'd barely spoken during the breaks, and we were all like "... does he like this? Is he enjoying this?" and then we talked about that and he DID enjoy the show!
By the way, speaking of hilarious expressions on the show, this basically sums it up:
Oh yes, so true!
The American Life on Mars makes me RAGE hard. Good god.
Why must everything be set in NYC? NYC is cool, yeah, but there's other cities in the US. It's a pretty big place, after all. NYC gets boring after a while.
America. Please stop it with the UK ripoffs. It makes you look even worse in my eyes.
We do have some GOOD tv, honest ... I think the problem is that the most popular British shows get brought over here on the BBC America cable channel or as specials on ABC or something, and they're like the best of the best, so of course executives wanna remake the best of the best of the British stuff. It's because it's a good show and the American public and/or the viewers in the source country responded to positively, not so much because it's from the UK, it could be from anywhere so long as it was proven to have good viewing figures.
Hm, I dunno - from what I've read, they've got even more legitimate ho/foe yay signals coming from the whole Doctor/Master thing, and not just because it's been around for much longer. I have to reluctantly admit that Jim/Sherlock, despite it now starting to contest with Jim/Seb as my OTP for the show, really gives me one-sided vibes, especially after seeing TRF, while on the other hand, Doctor/Master… Well, has a better situation handed to it. All of this just from what I've read and that one YouTube video I saw. Oh boy. ;D
"Heh heh ... fuck you Sherlock, you gotta die too!" and "There's no reason for me to keep going anymore ... bye now!"
Yeah, both, to me, are most likely the big reasons for that occurring.
And yeah, I've been hearing a lot about people speculating on how Jim would survive eating a bullet, and I'd be lying if I said that I didn't hope that he could possibly come back at some point. However, I'm also sort of thinking that since canon supposedly gives Moriarty a brother or two with the same name, they could at least use that as an excuse to bring Andrew Scott back, or they could make Sherlock a bit haunted by his memory also, or even…
[continues on with even less coherent theories for ten minutes]
…Anyway, back to the way that I fangirl over the badass known as Sebastian Moran.
(Yes, that includes the people that are awkwardly staring.)
I wonder if Mycroft knows.
That's… Admittedly a bit up in the air for me at the moment. Mycroft's a smart dude that works in politics - I wouldn't be surprised if he was only pretending to be devastated by learning of Sherlock's "death" at that club if he actually knew about the plan. You know, in order to keep up the façade. (Then again, it could also be argued that he could probably not be faking his despair, but that it's actually brought upon him because he's gotten even more upset with himself over selling out his brother and that now, and because of it, everyone in the world believes that his little brother is a complete fraud. Considering how Sherlock is possibly one of the only people that he cares about, those have got to be considerable blows for him.)
We do have some GOOD tv, honest…
Yeah, sort of true: I like White Collar, House, The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, Dexter, Burn Notice, Psych (which may or may not be a parody of a few of the tropes prominent in Sherlock Holmes itself), Supernatural, South Park…
…they're like the best of the best, so of course executives wanna remake the best of the best of the British stuff.
The problem, though, is that pretty much every remake I've seen of UK - or almost any other foreign - shows are mostly just… "meh" at best. A good thing about BBC shows is that they don't have commercials interrupting their programs, so they often have more time to develop something compelling with their episodes, which can get a bit lost in an Americanized translation, especially when aired on channels that are really heavy with the ads. (I'm looking at you, ABC.)
Then there's simply my sinking feeling that they're just being lazy when they decide to remake the best shows outside of the US. I mean, for god's sake, "Elementary." Title based on possibly one of the biggest cases of Beam Me Up, Scotty known to man. (Okay, yeah, he did say "elementary" at one point in the books, but you get what I'm talking about, I hope.)
Well, yes, it's definately pretty one-sided where Sherlock and Moriarty are concerned, but it would be so very easy to write Sherlock as a little curious about Moriarty's overtures. And then the finale smashed it all with a hammer, but whatever, it was fun. I was so certain that Moriarty was gonna kiss Sherlock on the roof before shooting himself, really, it looked like he was about to ... but he didn't. Which was fine, but I was still very sad.
But a lot of little things, little scenes and mannerisms and such, seem to have been copy/pasted and then tweaked. Once you've watched all of season 3, take a look at this post to see what I mean:
However, I'm also sort of thinking that since canon supposedly gives Moriarty a brother or two with the same name, they could at least use that as an excuse to bring Andrew Scott back, or they could make Sherlock a bit haunted by his memory also, or even…
Indeed! Andrew Scott is luverly, and he's a very talented actor, it'd be fun to see him playing another Moriarty ... but it'd be even better to see him as THE Moriarty, somehow, again. Maybe he left Sherlock taunting video clips at various hideouts for his criminal organization around the world? Maybe Seb gets flashbacks?
[continues on with even less coherent theories for ten minutes]
Oh please, continue!
…Anyway, back to the way that I fangirl over the badass known as Sebastian Moran.
EEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEE, Black Books GIF!!!!!!!!! I love that show! I love Bernard, he's like a cynical, horrible, drunk Geoffrey Tennant! (And I love Dylan Moran, have you seen "You Kill Me" by any chance?)
Regardless of whether Mycroft knows that Sherlock is alive or thinks he's dead, he's got some serious angst and guilt going on. If he's helping Sherlock, he's going to start feeling a little better because he's making up for it, but if he thinks Sherlock is dead he's gonna be hurting for a long time. And seeing as their relationship was rocky a long time before this, I don't think Sherlock would give him an opportunity to apologize or make up for it, after he's all "I'm back from the dead! Oh hai John, I see you have a wife, ignore her and come solve crimes with me! *swooshes away*"
Oh, that. Well, basically, to quote myself from this:
Yeah, when my little sister and I were watching that scene on iPlayer, we were both basically saying, “What’s going on here? Why are they standing so close?!”
…Seriously, just kiss already.
Maybe he left Sherlock taunting video clips at various hideouts for his criminal organization around the world? Maybe Seb gets flashbacks?
Oh please, continue!
You just picked out two of them already. Besides, I can't even remember what most of the other ones were, anyway. ;P
EEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEE, Black Books GIF!!!!!!!!! I love that show! I love Bernard, he's like a cynical, horrible, drunk Geoffrey Tennant! (And I love Dylan Moran, have you seen "You Kill Me" by any chance?)
…Ehe, no? It was just a random flailing gif I found by chance over on Tumblr a while back. (If you think about it, though, you could imagine that it's actually Benedict Cumberbatch suddenly going crazy on the set. I dunno, that's a much more hilarious idea to me.) XD
Regardless of whether Mycroft knows that Sherlock is alive or thinks he's dead, he's got some serious angst and guilt going on.
Mycroft was already feeling remorse for just handing Sherlock's life story like that to Jim. He actually apologized to John for it, something that I don't really believe he would do unless the situation called for it. Having what happened in the ending probably isn't going to help matters for him. :\
"I'm back from the dead! Oh hai John, I see you have a wife, ignore her and come solve crimes with me! *swooshes away*"
lol, maybe after John faints and/or punches Sherlock.
Yeah, when my little sister and I were watching that scene on iPlayer, we were both basically saying, “What’s going on here? Why are they standing so close?!”
…Seriously, just kiss already.
*sporfles* Your sister sounds like a lot of fun to watch tv with!
That clip makes it look like Sherlock's going to make a move on Moriarty, when all the other times I've thought it was Moriarty about to kiss Sherlock. There's a moment right before he shoots himself when I was CERTAIN he was gonna kiss Sherlock, a little peck at most ... but he didn't. Maybe there's a deleted scene or a blooper or something where he does?! *crosses fingers and prays*
You just picked out two of them already.
Well, in this tech-savvy-villain world, I think taunting video messages are gonna crop up quite a lot. They already are. Seems a logical choice for Moriarty. He already hacked into John's blog and left that creepy-as-fuck taunting video clip!
And I'm a sucker for flashbacks, really I am, some of my favorite episodes of TV are the flashback episodes. All those Buffy and Angel episodes where we see the vampires doing stuff ages ago, "Out of Gas" and "Safe" of Firefly, "Six Months Ago" and "Company Man" of Heroes, "Speak Like A Child" of Cowboy Bebop ... *cries*
…Ehe, no? It was just a random flailing gif I found by chance over on Tumblr a while back. (If you think about it, though, you could imagine that it's actually Benedict Cumberbatch suddenly going crazy on the set. I dunno, that's a much more hilarious idea to me.) XD
Oh, sorry, I thought you knew it was from Black Books! At first I did think it was Benedict Cumberbatch flailing on set because it looked like something he'd do.
Give Black Books a go, though. The first episode isn't quite a good representation of what the rest of the show is gonna be like, you might wanna start with episode two ... but then again episode one has Martin Freeman playing a doctor, which is hilarious in hindsight, so you might wanna see it anyways. It's hilarious and cynical and I love it. You might not like it, or you might love it, but let me know if you do get a chance to watch it someday.
I mentioned "You Kill Me" because that's a very strange movie that one of the main actors from Black Books stars in, basically playing the same character from Black Books but in a movie about murder that's funny in a horrible way. Or horrible in a funny way. I don't know, I need to rewatch that movie.
lol, maybe after John faints and/or punches Sherlock.
First he faints, then he punches Sherlock, then he makes out passionately with a confused but happy (and slightly bleeding) Sherlock against a wall. Then the scene ends and when we return to them they're adjusting their clothes and Sherlock is smoking and grinning like a fool. Yes. There is no other way!
Well, when she's not getting annoyed with you squeeing and raging at everything, yeah, she can be fun to watch a show with if you're trying to find slash material. ^^
(And yes, let us hope for that deleted scene, or for there to be actual bloopers on the DVD. Damn, I miss seeing those on DVDs - why did they stop. :(
Well, in this tech-savvy-villain world, I think taunting video messages are gonna crop up quite a lot. They already are.
Case in point, that video Jim left on John's blog, showing him breaking into 221B. That was humorous, indeed. ;P
Duly noted with the show/movie recs, by the way. They might end up on my recently-growing list of shows to watch. Just got through all three LoTR movies just a couple of weeks ago and the new Star Trek movie in preparation for the prequel and sequel for each, since they're both gonna have Benedict Cumberbatch in villain roles.
Hehe, hello sexy villains. :3
Yeah, yeah, he's technically a dragon in one of the roles, but that voice will still be there… [drool]
First he faints, then he punches Sherlock, then he makes out passionately with a confused but happy (and slightly bleeding) Sherlock against a wall. Then the scene ends and when we return to them they're adjusting their clothes and Sherlock is smoking and grinning like a fool. Yes. There is no other way!
Me likes this mental image very much. Although in my head, it was more faint, punch Sherlock, they senselessly make out, capture Moran NO! Please don't let that happen!, and then smokin' hot sexytimes which would probably only be insinuated upon after that. But your's is awesome too. Gatiss damn well better be the one writing that particular episode, otherwise I highly doubt that it'll happen at all. XD
That's one of the many things I love about college, watching tv with fellow fans is awesome! I'm an only child, so with the exception of some Torchwood with my dad (and both of us squeeing over Jack Harkness and Ianto, lol) I was usually watching geeky tv alone until now.
(And yes, let us hope for that deleted scene, or for there to be actual bloopers on the DVD. Damn, I miss seeing those on DVDs - why did they stop. :(
We never got any bloopers on the Heroes DVDs. We were all very sad. And then the show started to suck and we were sad for more reasons.
Case in point, that video Jim left on John's blog, showing him breaking into 221B. That was humorous, indeed. ;P
It was funny, yes, but also skin-crawlingly creepy. It was like a violation ... and Mrs. Hudson was RIGHT DOWNSTAIRS! If she'd seen him ... *has a panic attack*
Oh god, yes, Benedict Cumberbatch as sexy villains! THAT WILL BE THE SEXIEST DRAGON SINCE SEAN CONNERY! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! And I'm not even that into Star Trek, but Benedict Cumberbatch AND Zachary Quinto in the same movie aldkajflajsflkasjflasjflajalsfjaljlafj excuse me I seem to have exploded several times ... *passes out*
... whoa, where is that GIF from? Did I miss some promotional video or something? *is mesmerized*
capture Moran NO! Please don't let that happen!
He always gets captured in the stories ... but don't worry, he doesn't get killed, and he gets out of prison in the books somehow ... how he managed to escape the noose we don't know, but damn aren't we glad he does! Because Moriarty totally doesn't die, no, if Holmes can survive a waterfall Moriarty can damn well too, and he'll get back with his boyfriend and they'll do crimes and shoot at Holmes for a couple more years and it'll be great. I AM NOT IN DENIAL!!!!! *cries*
I really cannot wait for Moran to appear on the BBC show, he is my favorite and I can't wait to see what they do with him! Or perhaps ... her?
Gatiss damn well better be the one writing that particular episode, otherwise I highly doubt that it'll happen at all. XD
Even if that whole lovely scenario doesn't happen, Gatiss will be sitting there THINKING IT happening, and smirking, and snarking about it on twitter, and that'll be enough for us!
But seriously, let's hope he manages to put in at least the insinuation ...
Aha, I loved Psych! Haven't watched it in forever, but I loved the flashbacks and the humor and how you could read Shawn as cheerfully bisexual very very easily. White Collar is awesome, I need to catch up on that too, I loved the characters (especially Neal, yummy!) and how Peter and Elizabeth were happily married and how like every fanfic makes them a delicious OT3 couple. I liked House and then they changed up the team and I lost interest and got busy with other stuff, but I hear it's still good. The Colbert Report and the Daily Show are AWESOME. I'm still a little too scared to get into Dexter, I watched the first couple episodes and never continued. I keep meaning to, though, I hear it's awesome. Burn Notice was like my guilty pleasure, I watched it because I wanted to watch something that wouldn't make me think too hard or write a recap. I spent years avoiding Supernatural because that was all people in the Heroes fandom recommended because of the incest fanfics, I keep meaning to start but I'm a total coward, but Mark Sheppard plays an evil angel and I LOVE HIM so I want to get into that for him alone. Don't watch South Park, but I do respect the creators for their films and musical and comments about censorship.
A good thing about BBC shows is that they don't have commercials interrupting their programs
Whoa, really? How does that work, then? There's no break during an episode at all?
which can get a bit lost in an Americanized translation, especially when aired on channels that are really heavy with the ads. (I'm looking at you, ABC.)
Yeah, I remember when I'd watch Doctor Who on BBC America (a cable channel) at my dad's house on weekends, and bits of the episode were cut out for a time limit, and I didn't understand why. And now I know. And I'm not happy.
Then there's simply my sinking feeling that they're just being lazy when they decide to remake the best shows outside of the US.
Yeah, that's hardly ever a good sign. Then again, people say good things about The Office, and that was a UK to US thing.
... the "Elementary" thing is probably gonna suck, though. The title alone made me cringe. He didn't SAY "Elementary, my dear Watson" and I know that and I'm a "stupid American" and Americans aren't all morons who don't understand these things and it's gonna be "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Sorcerer's Stone" all over again, isn't it, but worse?
Didn't really help that the very first episode I saw was one where the bad guy had a plan to make it look like Lassie committed murder-suicide with Shawn and leave evidence that Lassie's motive was that the two were former lovers. ("Former lovers?! Really?") XD
White Collar is awesome, I need to catch up on that too, I loved the characters (especially Neal, yummy!) and how Peter and Elizabeth were happily married and how like every fanfic makes them a delicious OT3 couple.
It's one of those really rare shows (or any other medium) where I actually think the main het pairing is just too adorable, despite the fact that I really love the slash a bit more. It's no wonder that people there love the whole OT3 idea - they just want their slash but don't wanna mess with the cute marriage between El and Peter. ^^
My family watched House every Monday until this season, but only because they pushed the time to 9 PM, and that was way too late for my mom to tolerate. Been meaning to get caught up at some point. We still watch the Daily Show and Colbert Report on occasion, though.
I'm still a little too scared to get into Dexter, I watched the first couple episodes and never continued. I keep meaning to, though, I hear it's awesome.
I don't seem to get easily scared, and I can be fairly morbid, so the show's a decent fit for me. XD
I spent years avoiding Supernatural because that was all people in the Heroes fandom recommended because of the incest fanfics, I keep meaning to start but I'm a total coward…
…Ehe, yeah, if you ever hear me say that you're never the same after getting into the SPN fandom, it should be pretty obvious as to what I'm talking about. Pretty amazing, though, how everyone pretty much knows about that. Or at least, I find it cool. XD
Whoa, really? How does that work, then? There's no break during an episode at all?
Well, to answer that question, here's an excerpt from the TV Tropes article on the BBC:
The BBC Television Service is very different from most other networks in that it is publicly funded by the UK Television Licence; if you own a TV in the United Kingdom, then you must fund the BBC (to the tune of about £140 per year or, as the BBC likes to put it, 39p a day), unless you can demonstrate to the TV Licence Inspectors that it's not being used to watch broadcast TV at all (no set-top box, no aerial connected).
It's essentially like HBO or Showtime, where you need to pay extra to get the channels, but the upside is that the programs on them are basically commercial-free except for possibly one or two ads in between shows, except that in the UK, if you want to get any channels, you have to pay the BBC for that service. Smart move, in my opinion, because then networks aren't dependent on other companies for income, "and thus they can take more risks" with their programing.
Yeah, I remember when I'd watch Doctor Who on BBC America (a cable channel) at my dad's house on weekends, and bits of the episode were cut out for a time limit, and I didn't understand why. And now I know. And I'm not happy.
When I went to go buy ASiP on iTunes to finally discover why people on the web just adored Sherlock, it had a note on the description that said it was the uncut, UK version of the episodes that they were selling you. Didn't take long for me to put two and two together and realize that the PBS version possibly lacked something vital to it, and the thought really annoyed me.
(By the way, on a completely unrelated note, I'm on a Doctor Who episode called "The Lazarus Experiment" while writing this, and nine minutes in, I literally just jumped out of my chair and squealed, "GATISS! OH MY GOD, AND HE'S BLONDE!" Godiss, my favorite Sherlock writer, let me bow down to you.) XD
Bahahahahahahaa! I haven't seen that one yet! This is making me want to get back into the show. Shawn is just such a colossal flirt, he's like a slacker version of Jack Harkness, it's beautiful. I keep thinking back to that line in the pilot where Gus sarcastically suggests Shawn ask out a guy they're discussing and Shawn says "Maybe I will!" and the scene where he dances around pretending to be possessed the spirit of a lady who was murdered and sits on Lassie's lap. LOL.
And I loved the Chief. I loved that she was a she, and pregnant at one point, and that was totally ok.
It's one of those really rare shows (or any other medium) where I actually think the main het pairing is just too adorable, despite the fact that I really love the slash a bit more. It's no wonder that people there love the whole OT3 idea - they just want their slash but don't wanna mess with the cute marriage between El and Peter. ^^
I just love the fact that the show makes a marriage WORK, and not STUPID or BORING or ON THE ROCKS, and how Elizabeth isn't threatened when she hears about Peter flirting for a case and just teases him about it, and she has her own career, and she's totally cool with Peter having a slave sub boxed crook(tvtropes) boyfriend Neal because he's so adorable and sweet and is polite to her and they totally all share a bed and it's delicious.
I don't seem to get easily scared, and I can be fairly morbid, so the show's a decent fit for me. XD
I still can't get over the fact that Rita is Darla. She's a badass vampire ... why isn't she a badass vampire ... *shakes head* I'll get into the show eventually, I mean, it's a serial killer, I eat that stuff up with a SPOON, but right now I'm too busy.
…Ehe, yeah, if you ever hear me say that you're never the same after getting into the SPN fandom, it should be pretty obvious as to what I'm talking about. Pretty amazing, though, how everyone pretty much knows about that. Or at least, I find it cool. XD
I'm not scared of the incest anymore (thank you, Walkercest, really, years in the Heroes fandom and I never broke, and then YOU TWO came along ...) but the scary monsters and psychological stuff in the earlier seasons makes me wary. And I'm the kind of person who has to watch EVERY EPISODE, in the right order, I can't skip whole seasons.
It's essentially like HBO or Showtime, where you need to pay extra to get the channels, but the upside is that the programs on them are basically commercial-free except for possibly one or two ads in between shows, except that in the UK, if you want to get any channels, you have to pay the BBC for that service. Smart move, in my opinion, because then networks aren't dependent on other companies for income, "and thus they can take more risks" with their programing.
Oh, I see! Interesting ... and I am now incredibly jealous. That's a good way of doing things ...
(By the way, on a completely unrelated note, I'm on a Doctor Who episode called "The Lazarus Experiment" while writing this, and nine minutes in, I literally just jumped out of my chair and squealed, "GATISS! OH MY GOD, AND HE'S BLONDE!" Godiss, my favorite Sherlock writer, let me bow down to you.) XD
*sporfles* I need to rewatch that episode one of these days now that Gatiss is all famous and stuff.
Have you read his gay porn yet? Or his bisexual Victorian James Bond books?
lol, and speaking of Jack, Torchwood is another show I've been meaning to get into, because damn. Wow. Just, wow. I am left speechless solely from what my Doctor Who friend has told me about that show. And it sounds delicious. ;3
the scene where he dances around pretending to be possessed the spirit of a lady who was murdered and sits on Lassie's lap.
[nearly swallows gum]
What the-? Oh my. XD
Elizabeth isn't threatened when she hears about Peter flirting for a case and just teases him about it…
I know! She earned so much love from me in that episode. El is so understanding and loving towards Peter, and how she likes to mother Neal, and-! Fluff overload! ^.^
I'm not scared of the incest anymore (thank you, Walkercest, really, years in the Heroes fandom and I never broke, and then YOU TWO came along ...) but the scary monsters and psychological stuff in the earlier seasons makes me wary.
Pff. I feed off of those two things so much. It's amazing that I'm as sane as I am with interests like that.
I need to rewatch that episode one of these days now that Gatiss is all famous and stuff.
lol, it was really weird seeing him kissing an old lady, but yeah, is did a fairly good job with being the monster of the week.
Have you read his gay porn yet? Or his bisexual Victorian James Bond books?
ROFL! I read some of this one piece of homoerotic porn that somebody posted on Tumblr, but I had such a purple overload that I was way too busy hysterically laughing at how not-straight it was. I think I've read full-on slash fics that were way more heterosexual than that. O_o
…Bisexual James Bond books? Where?! O__O
First season is just guilty pleasure: silly and scary monsters and lots of smex. It's not very good, but we get Jack Harkness and GAY KISSING YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY so who cares about that?
Season 2 is a little more serious and the story is better, but then it gets WICKED depressing and I haven't seen the "season 3" (miniseries) yet but I know what happens and it makes me sad.
But it's so worth it. Just ... don't expect it to be especially GOOD ... it's watchable and fun and all and it'll scare you a bit and make you cry, but it's not at the level of Doctor Who writing or Sarah Jane Adventures writing.
[nearly swallows gum]
What the-? Oh my. XD
I think that's from season 1 ...
Oh wait, I found a clip of it on youtube!
Best part? He wasn't pretending to be possessed when he sat on Lassie's lap, he just did that as himself! And it wasn't like a 'heh, I'm gonna mess with him, lol!' moment, it was like 'this is a perfectly natural response for me, sit on this man's lap, yes.' CANON?! I'M NOT USED TO CANON ON MY AMERICAN SHOWS, ONLY MY BBC SHOWS! WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN!
I know! She earned so much love from me in that episode. El is so understanding and loving towards Peter, and how she likes to mother Neal, and-! Fluff overload! ^.^
I need to get back into that show, it was way too much fun for me, I mean, we all know how much I love OT3s ...
ROFL! I read some of this one piece of homoerotic porn that somebody posted on Tumblr, but I had such a purple overload that I was way too busy hysterically laughing at how not-straight it was. I think I've read full-on slash fics that were way more heterosexual than that. O_o
I found it through the Kink Meme, but yeah, purple prose overload! Good god, I wrote better porn when I was fourteen, and I'm a straight girl! He's a gay man, what's his excuse?! (Actually, he wrote it all purple prose because he wrote it for cash and he needed to get the word-count up. I can understand that. But still, LOL!)
…Bisexual James Bond books? Where?! O__O
Lucifer Box, of course! He was Jack Harkness before Jack Harkness existed! (Well, actually, given that he's such a jerk and murders people, maybe a bit more like John Hart … oh wait, you haven't seen Torchwood yet … SPIKE AS A BISEXUAL TIME AGENT OH MY GOOD GOD CAN I LINK YOU TO A YOUTUBE VIDEO PLEASE!?!?!??!)
Anyways, yeah, Lucifer Box is in three books, the first is "The Vesuvius Club," and he's pretty much Victorian bisexual James Bond. It's pretty amusing. Unfortunately, not explicit, we know he's had sex but we only get a little foreplay and then the chapter breaks and the next thing we know they're waking up in bed together, but UNF!
Check it out, they're cheap used on amazon, that's where I got my copy.
According to old BBC articles it's being adapted to tv, but that was in 2007 and there's no current stuff, so I dunno about that. That would be SO COOL THOUGH!!!
the "Elementary" thing is probably gonna suck, though. The title alone made me cringe. He didn't SAY "Elementary, my dear Watson" and I know that and I'm a "stupid American" and Americans aren't all morons who don't understand these things and it's gonna be "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Sorcerer's Stone" all over again, isn't it, but worse?
At least with the first HP book, all they did was change the title, change the text to American English spelling, and replace "mummy" with "mommy." Everything else stayed the same. So yeah, "Elementary" is sounding a lot worse just from the title and what little of the premise that I've been hearing about (i.e., setting being NYC). From what I've read on another news article that I can't remember where to find it, however, it's sounding like the BBC will consider taking action against CBS if it actually turns out that there's enough similarities between the two shows for them to believe that their content has been stolen.
(Kind of hard for me to forget that there actually are Americans with an IQ - at least where I live. Luckily, I have a friend who was the one who first introduced me to Doctor Who about three to four years ago and who's utterly obsessed with David Tennant, so when I told her about the plans for an American Sherlock Holmes show, she got into a fit, saying that it's like "Being Human" all over again.)
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