Sep 10, 2007 16:46

Torchwood! Yay! *went ballistic*

After the annoyance of David Tennant replacing CE as the Doctor - not that I have anything AGAINST David Tennant, but I think Nine was a better Doctor than Ten, who is odd and kinda cutesy - Torchwood was just lovely. And very sad. And very funny. And a guy (with a Scottish accent?) called Owen who brings home a blond chick AND her boyfriend via some alien tech … and Captain Jack is to DIE FOR! *huggles them to death*

(On a side note: remember the bit where Jack is telling Gwen that none of the alien stuff leaves the office? I giggled and said ‘Oh, now they’re going to have shots of the staff bringing home alien stuff’ and THAT’S WHAT HAPPENED! *can predict the future* Ooooo! I’d better watch out for Sylar!)

Gwen is almost annoying and I actually forgot her name this morning but I’m sure she’ll get better. I reminded myself not to get attached to her boyfriend (who I mistook for her brother with some kind of mental condition for a while) because he’s either cannon fodder or going to vanish because Gwen will start going out with Jack. I hope for the latter, because he seems like a rather nice man who wouldn’t do well as alien chow.

I love the techno music and how Torchwood were all in trenchcoats (or very close to trenchcoats, they were long and black and leather for the most part) in their first scene … and when they all burst into giggles and cut off the dramatic music was just PRICELESS.

Suzie was very tragic. I mean, after she SHOT JACK he still held out his hand to her (what would have happened if she’d taken it? …) but she shot herself and I felt like crying.

Comparing DW and Torchwood reminds me a bit of Buffy vs. Angel. For one thing, DW and Buffy were marketed as ‘kid’ shows but a lot of adults ended up watching and ‘adult’ spinoffs were made. DW and Buffy are a bit more light-hearted and happier, but Torchwood and Angel lean towards more serious and sad and ‘adult’ themes. I mean, in the first episode of Angel, the girl he tried to save dies. That sets the tone for the rest of the series. There’s still silly bits, but for the most part it’s very serious. In Buffy, people tend to live a lot more. DW has some serious stuff, but they’re always moving around in time and space, whereas Torchwood is rooted to the spot, so consequences and memories will be with people for much longer. DW is very sad sometimes, but they never really stop.

I love both series, but Torchwood is going to rule my mind.

(On a side note, remember the doctor lady from ‘Aliens of London’ in Season 1 of DW? The one the Doctor kinda saved? She’s the woman in Torchwood! I was right! Yay!)

A/N If you want to discuss the awesomeness that is Torchwood, please post comments!

captain jack, torchwood, buffy, dw, discussion post

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