Night Owls - A Mike Ellis/Doug Walker fic

Apr 11, 2010 14:10

Title: Night Owls

Rating: PG … then again, the MPAA is kinda homophobic, so PG-13

Word Count: 279 (aprox.)

Pairing: Mike Ellis/Doug Walker

Disclaimer: I mean no offence towards Mr. Ellis or Mr. Walker and have only the upmost respect for both men. I am making no money, blah blah blah, please do not file a lawsuit against me, blah blah blah, find their website HERE, etc.

Warnings: blatant RPS, attempts at domestic!fluff, weirdness

A/N: So, how ’bout that RPS? I am aware that this fic is long, long, LONG overdue, but I believe I can chalk the delay up to nerves, general business, and Shakespeare. I’m not sure how to feel about this fic, it’s strange and I wrote most of it months ago … *shrugs* Tell me what you think, loyal readers!


It was past two in the morning, and still Mike hadn’t gone to sleep. In spite of the energy drinks he’d guzzled sometime around nine o’clock, his eyes were glazing over. Never before had the keyboard looked so comfortable a place for resting his head …


Mike started, turning around to see Doug leaning in the doorway, glasses over his sleep-blurred eyes and clad in usual sleepwear: baggy sweatpants and a TMNT t-shirt.

“What time is it?” Doug yawned.

Mike sighed. “Two-thirty … ish.”

“You idiot,” Doug mumbled, saying the word like an endearment. He staggered forward and put his arms around the other man. “Come to bed, Mike, it’s already tomorrow.” Doug sleepily nuzzled Mike’s neck, kissing the spot just below his boyfriend’s ear.

Mike shifted away reluctantly. “I can’t, Doug, I’ve got to do maintenance on the website.”

“Can’t it wait?”

Mike rolled his eyes. “No, Doug, it can’t. Remember The Last Action Hero debacle?”

“Oh, right,” Doug sighed and headed for the door. “I’m gonna make a snack, you want anything?”

Mike grumbled an incomprehensible response and continued to edit the website.

Ten minutes later, Doug returned and set something down on the computer desk.

Mike stared at the steaming mug in disbelief. “You made hot chocolate for me?”

“You can make it up to me later,” Doug smirked sleepily. “Maybe tonight, if you get to bed before daylight.”

Mike sighed in an exaggerated manner. “Fine, fine, I’ll finish this page and then I’ll come to bed. Happy?”

“Always,” Doug pecked him on the cheek and staggered off to the bedroom.

Mike glared at the computer screen and continued to edit. One more page …

(The End …)

fic, tgwtg, slash

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