My Favorite Christmas Special

Jan 01, 2010 22:23

It's the Phineas and Ferb one. Shocking, I know, but just WATCH the thing and try and avoid squeeing like a little kid at ... well, Christmastime. The music numbers were awesome (as always, with this show) there were like five different CMOH, and the slash was REALLY slashy.

"Mom, Phineas and Ferb are making a Christmas special!"

Doof ties up Perry with Christmas lights during the course of the episode. I think I read a fanfic like that once ... no, wait, I WROTE a fanfic like that once!

Hee. Baljeet wants a kiss for Christmas. "I'm outta here," grumbles Buford. "Not from you!" Baljeet shrieks. "From a pretty girl! Don't flatter yourself!" Those two are climbing in the 'Most FoeYay Couple of the Show' and this is against a Dr. Insano type and a Linkara expy!

"Curse my intensely burning apathy towards Christmas!" HEE! ILU Dr. Doof!

"YES! I hate Christmas! This is the best Christmas EVER!" Awwww, Doof ... *huggles him*

Santa is a badass!

During the end-credits montage of everyone giving gifts to each other (and invoking all kinds of tropes along the way) my little cynical fangirl heart grew three sizes. *SQUEE*

tgwtg, phineas and ferb, slash, christmas

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