Nov 17, 2009 06:50
For some reason I woke up waaaaaaay early in the morning (from a dream) couldn't get to sleep, thought 'well, I might as well take that shower NOW rather than LATER,' took the shower, and staggered back to bed. Then I woke up a couple of minutes before my alarm, felt that it was a crime against nature to NOT stay in bed all day, remembered all of my obligations, and heaved myself out of bed.
Ooooooooog ... I really hope that today's not going to be terrible, but studies show ... *kerslump*
How in the name of all that is holy am I going to survive today?
Edit (That night): I don't know how I did it, but through a combination of orange juice, yoga, well-placed kerslump-time, cookies, and an unexpected adrenaline high, I made it through the day. I actually had a REALLY good day. I should try messing up my sleeping schedule more frequently ...
This week (and weekend) are going to be PACKED. I'm sorry, I really am working on fandom stuff here and there (I keep getting really weird ideas for various fanmixes) especially my 100th fic, but DEAR LORD, I'm compiling and writing a scrip with three other people (which we're all doing during lunches) I've got an essay to write, two trips to a the same distant city within the next couple of days, and somewhere in there I've got to work on my ghost story too. Oh, and for some inexplicable reason I'm re-reading my Death Note books. WTF, brain?
Thank you and goodnight. *KERSLUMP*
(I can't even summon the energy to watch Heroes, that's how exhausted and busy I am! This is probably my last free afternoon for a week, so unless I haul ass tomorrow and squeeze in the episode in the evening, I won't make the meta-deadline. Dangit ...)
death note,