DAYUM, I don't even watch Chuck and the moment when Chuck gave Sarah the wedding ring back made me wanna cry.
Hey, the manager is gettin' some! And short-awesome-kid-with-beard is the son of that hot lady! Oh dear ...
And then Chuck brings me right back with the depressing. I don't think Sarah deserves him. His widdle geek heart is
Read more... )
Sadly, I think it's more likely that the kids are being spread out, rather than ganging up, the better to keep out of sight of the government. But it would be AWESOME if we got another House of M.
Claude would choose a cooler name than 'Rebel.' He was, after all, a punk as a young'un. (Well, that's one fanon theory ...)
DEFINITELY not Charles Whitmore--that would imply that he had an ounce of good in his black lil' soul lol.
Maybe Penny's making him do it.
Yay, coffee hating dirty blonds unite!
I don't mind either--he's fucking great at what he does, fucking pretteh as hell and all the Sylar-Luke scenes were win this episode. XD
I concur! Anyone who thinks otherwise can stuff it!
You really can't blame Luke for getting all a flutter over Sylar. I mean, it's Sylar.
"Ok, technically I'm a serial killer!"
Funniest line in Heroes history? We should have a vote ...
Yeah I liked her too. Also, probably because she looked like a PERSON and not a broomstick with hair. =P
Heroes seems to be simultaneous improving (Anna) and worsening (Homeland Security Girl) its portrayals of women.
OH GOD YES. Sylar was so great in this episode. Ilhim too. <333333 Yeah, he makes Luke go from potential-Maya to acceptable lol.
OMG you're right! How is that possible? It must be the magic of the Sybrows!
I actually liked Alex--he was one of those few one-shot characters who are cool.
He's in Claire's closet ... I don't think he's gonna be that much of a one-shot character ... this makes me nervous, but hopeful. He DID make a good first impression, which is more than we can say for Maya-y-Alejandro.
...does that mean she gets to meet Sark?!? =O
I'm up for that! *wants to re-watch Alias now* I really love that show ... it's been far too long since I watched an episode ...
Because he doesn't have his powers. Poor baby. *huggles Hiro*
But you can be a Hero WITHOUT powers! He learned that lesson in S1!
I miss Un-Special Ando. I mean, it's nice to have some 'Normal' characters around to contrast the powered ones.
He's off having an off-screen orgy with Peter and Matt. XP
Oh stop it, you!
omfg I think I about fell off my bed from laughing so hard. XDDD
I think I almost fell off of my couch!
I KNOW! HA HA! Take that Maya! XD
*cheers* The evidence that 'Sylar is Gay or at least Mohinder-sexual' mounts ...
haha! You'll have to write some scenes for her then. XD
Maybe in an AU fic ... it would be nice to explore their characters later ...
yeah, I can TOTALLY see Ando making that face. XD
I know! It'd have been hilarious! I really should write for Heroes ...
He's off riding Shadowfax and waving his giant staff around at unsuspecting Ringwraiths. XD
Bahahahhahahaa! You're right! (If I ever own a horse, it will be named 'Shadowfax.' And dramatic music will play whenever it gallops up to me.)
lol well at least they're starting to understand the theory of slash--there has to be a beginning somewhere! =P
They know how to do Bro!Yay and they can write subtext like mad ... now, if only they could do some CANON-CANON slash ...
You're not sorry. XD
You're right, I'm not ... *cackles, then starts to cough*
(P.S. I'm sorry I haven't been online lately, but I got a nasty flu/cold hybrid yesterday and literally spend the ENTIRE day in bed. I felt a little better today, and better explanation is over on the WAZT I just posted.)
Probably. *sigh* But yeah, another House of M would be teh awesome.
Claude would choose a cooler name than 'Rebel.' He was, after all, a punk as a young'un. (Well, that's one fanon theory ...)
True! And I agree with that theory of young'un!Claude wholeheartedly. =P
Maybe Penny's making him do it.)
She'd be the only person who COULD lol.
Yay, coffee hating dirty blonds unite! )
Definitely! XP
I concur! Anyone who thinks otherwise can stuff it!)
Hells yes!
You really can't blame Luke for getting all a flutter over Sylar. I mean, it's Sylar.)
Oh you definitely can't blame him. I mean, who wouldn't get into a flutter over Sylar? I mean, who SERIOUSLY wouldn't? lol
"Ok, technically I'm a serial killer!"
Funniest line in Heroes history? We should have a vote ...)
We'll have to get some people together and have a vote, yeah.
Heroes seems to be simultaneous improving (Anna) and worsening (Homeland Security Girl) its portrayals of women.)
I know! But at least they are improving...kinda.
OMG you're right! How is that possible? It must be the magic of the Sybrows!)
I know! The sybrows must be inherently magical or something. XD
He's in Claire's closet ... I don't think he's gonna be that much of a one-shot character ... this makes me nervous, but hopeful. He DID make a good first impression, which is more than we can say for Maya-y-Alejandro.)
That's true...we shall just have to proceed with cautious optimism...
I'm up for that! *wants to re-watch Alias now* I really love that show ... it's been far too long since I watched an episode ...)
lol I liked it really well too and it's probably been even longer for me, since I've seen it last.
But you can be a Hero WITHOUT powers! He learned that lesson in S1!)
Oh I know! But I also miss Hiro without his powers. He has to be the Time-Traveler who can go to any point in time, which contrasts with Kensadam who is Immortal, you know? *rezzes Arthur Petrelli so she can strangle him*
I miss Un-Special Ando. I mean, it's nice to have some 'Normal' characters around to contrast the powered ones.)
Definitely! And he was a good foil for Hiro.
Oh stop it, you!)
I think I almost fell off of my couch!)
lmao it was f--ing funny. xDD
*cheers* The evidence that 'Sylar is Gay or at least Mohinder-sexual' mounts ...)
lol yup! In the very least, he's Mohinder-sexual the way that Joker is Bat-Sexual. XD
Maybe in an AU fic ... it would be nice to explore their characters later ...)
I can see that. =P
I know! It'd have been hilarious! I really should write for Heroes ...)
You should! Like I wrote in that crack!fic a long time back, us LJ-fangirls need to take over for writing the show--it'd end up much better that way! And it wouldn't be ALL slashy-ness! There'd be femmeslash scenes and het and lots o' humor and great stuff. XD
Bahahahhahahaa! You're right! (If I ever own a horse, it will be named 'Shadowfax.' And dramatic music will play whenever it gallops up to me.)
lmao. 'Tis a good name to choose. And honestly, if you hear that kind of music play when he gallops to you, you might want to run lol.
They know how to do Bro!Yay and they can write subtext like mad ... now, if only they could do some CANON-CANON slash ...
I KNOW! I mean Lost did it! They need to get with the program!
You're right, I'm not ... *cackles, then starts to cough*))
Aww *huggles*
(P.S. I'm sorry I haven't been online lately, but I got a nasty flu/cold hybrid yesterday and literally spend the ENTIRE day in bed. I felt a little better today, and better explanation is over on the WAZT I just posted.)
Try to feel better! And don't feel bad about that--I've been sick the past few days too, I still technically am, coughing and all. I'm just now starting to get over it. I too, spent an entire day in bed, with my throat burning, my head hurting and feeling so bad I was going to pass out, in the least. It was bad, lol. So I hope you don't feel that bad. Get better! =D
As we have ever since V2 left the airwaves ...
Oh I know! But I also miss Hiro without his powers. He has to be the Time-Traveler who can go to any point in time, which contrasts with Kensadam who is Immortal, you know? *rezzes Arthur Petrelli so she can strangle him*
*strangles Arthur with you* Yeah, the whole Time Traveler to contrast with the Immortal guy was something I wish they'd had more time to explore. *kicks Tim Kring in the shins*
Definitely! And he was a good foil for Hiro.
He was a good foil for everyone!
lol yup! In the very least, he's Mohinder-sexual the way that Joker is Bat-Sexual. XD
Methinks they would have a lot to discuss, Sylar and the Joker ...
You should! Like I wrote in that crack!fic a long time back, us LJ-fangirls need to take over for writing the show--it'd end up much better that way! And it wouldn't be ALL slashy-ness! There'd be femmeslash scenes and het and lots o' humor and great stuff. XD
That was a great fic ... *giggles* I'd like to think that in an alternative universe, that fic happened in real life. And I got on board too.
Stiiiiiiiill sick! Mostly better, though. I mean, I need to blow my nose more often than is convenient, and I cough and hack a bit now and then, but for the most part I'm better. *crosses fingers and guzzles orange juice*
*strangles Arthur with you* Yeah, the whole Time Traveler to contrast with the Immortal guy was something I wish they'd had more time to explore. *kicks Tim Kring in the shins*)
I KNOW! D= *kicks Kring with you*
He was a good foil for everyone!)
Damn straight.
Methinks they would have a lot to discuss, Sylar and the Joker ...)
lmao I think so too! But then again, the two of them together might not be such a good idea...XD
That was a great fic ... *giggles* I'd like to think that in an alternative universe, that fic happened in real life. And I got on board too.)
Nawww *scuffles shoe* lol well I like to think in in AU it'd be real too. XD
Stiiiiiiiill sick! Mostly better, though. I mean, I need to blow my nose more often than is convenient, and I cough and hack a bit now and then, but for the most part I'm better. *crosses fingers and guzzles orange juice*)
*huggles you* I'm still coughing a bit too. I'm thinking good vibes for you! ^.^
Indeed ... but Batman would be safe, he has no powers! So an alliance is possible ...
*thinks good vibes about you* I am feeling significantly better though. And Fight Workshops tomorrow and Sunday! Yahoo!
True and there would be NO WAY that Joker would allow Sylar to hurt his Batsy. =P
*thinks good vibes about you* I am feeling significantly better though. And Fight Workshops tomorrow and Sunday! Yahoo!)
Thanks. And that's good! =D
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