Drum Circle

Feb 28, 2011 16:14

Tonight, Bill and I are doing a ritual of drumming and dancing, in the African tradition.  We get together every Monday night to do this and we love it.  I don't dance (I walk with a walker), but the drumming totally soothes and uplifts me and touches me at a soul-deep level.  It is a great way to connect with Spirit, whatever or whoever you perceive Spirit to be.  I attend the Center for Spiritual Living in Graham, NC and Bill and I started a drumming circle there and it is great fun.  I have become the default leader and what I do is start the basic rhythm and everybody else just drums as Spirit moves them.  And what is cool is that it makes a coherent, beautiful sound even though we are playing as we are moved to play.  There is no set pattern to follow and everybody expresses themselves with the instruments differently.  What is really great about the Center for Spiritual Living is that it accepts any positive path you follow to honor Mother God/Father God/Spirit, even Wicca.  I have bad mood swings and drumming has definitely helped that.  My moods have been much more stable since I began, and I am so glad to find a non-medicinal way to help with this.  I can't emphasize enough how wonderful drumming is for your physical, emotional, and spiritual health and well being.  I totally honor Mother God/Goddess when I play and I feel really fortunate that I was introduced to this whole thing.  Blessed Be to all my friends and to anyone who reads this. 

center for spiritual living, drum circle

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