Apr 07, 2010 08:52
Mees been wery buzy, lots of fings going on with the humans here.
However, I has been very naughty, and have made extra windows on all 3 levels of my house, my wallpaper is wery patchy, so mees house needs to be re-recordated when mummy thinks I deserves it.
I played tug of war with mummys bed pillow, just because I wanted mees breakfist, mind you it woz 6am, so there's another pillow case which has seen better days.
I is running owt wery quick of lavender in mees gardin, so mummy is going to get mees some more plants for me to demolish, but I duz have some Dan-dilly-ons to get frew, they is growing in their own bed in the veg patch for mees.
Mees tabletop chair is getting a bit small, don't know what is going to happen with that problem yet, it's mees main place for watching the tele, just have to common-dear the armchair instead.
Anway, going for mees brekkie now,
Speak soon.