What a Long Strange Trip It's Been

Feb 26, 2011 22:28

So yeah, it's been about a year and a half since I've been on here. I don't know who will remember me if anyone. I can always make new friends. I'm good at that.

So in May of last year, I saw HIM two nights in a row. My first two HIM concerts ever. The beginning of my Reader's Digest version of where I've been begins with HIM's encore the second night, at the House of Blues in Myrtle Beach. Some dumbass went crowd surfing and landed right on my head. I only feel pain for a split second, then I get pissed off and wanna kick some ass. So I picked myself and him up off the floor and punched him in the face. I got tossed outta HoB, but charmed my way back in after the show was over.

The next item in the saga of where I've been began a couple days later when I lost the ability to follow a map or simple directions on my way home from Bl00dyrose's house in Mississippi to my apartment in Kansas. I drove through Baton Rouge TWICE.

Then came Memorial Day weekend, when I couldn't stop falling down. Two ER trips, a head CT, a spinal tap, and an MRI later, I ended up with a diagnosis of MS. To add to the fun, I needed emergency spinal surgery thanks to Mr. Asshat Crowdsurfer. All told, I was in the hospital for 3 weeks and was off work for 2 months, one of which I did not get paid for because I ran out of paid leave time. Internet access had to go bye bye, along with a lot of other non-necessities.

I decided last week to go ahead and get reconnected to the internet so I can do more work at home. This being Kansas, it's subject to a lot of extremes in temperatures, which wreaks havoc with my MS--it makes me very fatigued and makes it more difficult to lift my left leg when I'm walking. I don't have my sexy swagger when it's really hot or really cold. Some days at work I walk with a cane to conserve my energy. I haven't had to use a walker since this summer in the 100+ degree heat, but come July, I fully anticipate having to use it again.

But anyway, I'm glad to be back and I'm looking forward to getting reacquainted with people. Don't be shy about asking questions--I'm not overly sensitive. If anything, this is a misunderstood illness that I look forward to educating people about.
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