Apr 02, 2004 14:31
I know I bring this up all the time but...DAMN---it's been almost three months since my last post & it truly feels like just a few weeks at best. In about "two weeks" summer will be over & the Christmas commercials will begin airing. Let's see where we are here...
Taj Mulholland is fast becoming a wonderful faded memory. True to her form, Sybil threw the bon-voyage party to end all parties. She wanted it to be an Ibiza themed evening (or rather "event"...) which means there was just an excess...of everything! We're now firmly & properly ensconced back at the Santa Monica digs. It's great to be back at the beach but I do miss our coyotes.
The show's dark next week so we have a mini spring break coming up starting in a little less than two hours. OP & I are heading for the Land of the Rising Sun in a little less than eight. I've never been to Tokyo before so I'm really quite excited about it. OP lived there for three years so he knows the lay of Japan pretty well. This is the first trip where I have absolutely no agenda (the only people I know there are our hosts who happen to be OP's surrogate parents...)---so OP's got everything planned out and I get to sit back and go along for the ride which suits me just fine! All the plans (that I've heard of...) sound absolutely amazing and now that my loose ends here at work are rapidly being tied up, I'm chomping at the bit to get the hell outta Dodge.
Everyone have an incredible week & a wildly fun Easter and, hopefully, we'll see you all soon!