5:30am CST

Sep 22, 2016 06:05

Auliya o/` O, in Ytse-land where I was born in / Early on a frosty mornin' / Look away! Look away! Look away! Ytse-land! o/`
Ytse c.c
Auliya squaredance.
[five minutes later]
Ytse's ears perk slowly as the lights in the Pub dim, and a spotlight shines on him from above.  Then, a Civil War reenactment band plays the following, to the tune of Dixie:  o/` Oh take me back to the land of bacon, beer bitches and money makin'. Look away, look away, look away, Ytse Land.  In Ytse Land it's above average, sippin' on a frosty beverage.  Look away, look away, look away, Ytse Land.  [chorus] And Ytse is a Ytse.  Hooray!  Hooray!  In Ytse Land, everything is grand, don't you wish you were a Ytse?  Hooray, hooray, hooray if you're a Ytse!  Hooray, hooray, hooray if you're a Ytse! o/`

Auliya says, "That's brilliant."
Auliya says, "We need an mp3 of that stat."
Ytse says, "But I do not have access to a Civil War reenactment band."Auliya says, "Problematic."
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