Vera says, "Got wood? ;D"

Jun 17, 2016 09:02

Auliya got up this morning and sat on the edge of the bed, holding socks she was supposed to be putting on, and staring out the window at the sunlight filtering through the branches of the mountain laurel just outside. After a few minutes of silence, Auliya said, "Wouldn't it be cool if the leaves pressing against the glass were the eyes of the tree looking in?"  Saaskje said, "What the actual fuck? Get the fuck up and make some coffee."
Vera snicker at Auliya.
Matthew says, "And that's love, Auliya."
Vera says, "Say something philosophical, get told 'shut up you nerd.'"
Auliya laughs and laughs.
Matthew says, "But, you know, in a loving and caring manner."
Speck says, "If those are the eyes of the tree then does that mean it's been watching you get it on?"
Vera says, "Got wood? ;D"
Auliya says, "Speck gets right to the heart of the matter."
Auliya says, "Vera sees 'philosophical' and Speck sees 'porn'."
Matthew says, "Trees try to have sex with your face all the time. It's called 'allergy season'."
Matthew says, "Or, in Texas, 'all the damn time'"
Auliya nods to Matthew. True story.
Vera dislike tree bukkake. x_x
Matthew says, "Treekake."
Matthew says, "Shrubkake."
Matthew says, "Bushkake.... no. I think I have in fact gone too far."
Matthew says, "Wait... George Herbert Walker Buskhake NOW I have gone too far."
Matthew  \o/
Vera squirtbottle Matt.
Matthew mew!
Vera spritz!
Matthew is a Maine Coon. we digs waters. Frolic!
Vera says, "It's not water."
Matthew  @.@
Vera  :3
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