Title: Oppa~ Pairing: Jonghyun/Key(Gwiboon) Raiting: NC-17 Genre: romance, smut Summary: Gwiboon is the new exchange student from American and oh, does Jonghyun like.
I LOVE het!Jongkey! You should definitely write more! The sex was hot and your characterization is good and interesting. I love the way they play off of each other. It would be great to see more! :DDD
I enjoyed this fic, both the unexpected twists and turns of the plot and also -random- the lay-out, it's unusual to see a typical book lay-out like this one. I'm curious about the bet Gwiboon made with her friends, and also how she got to be so fluent in Korean so quickly; and also what she said to him the first time they interacted. Looking forward to the next parts ^^
Well, I've been considering writing two sequels to this which will explain Gwiboon's background story and such. Also, "ssege chusseo" means "faster/harder please" in Korean. It's really dirty, I know, but my one friend always says that in class so I thought I'd include it. :D I totally forgot to include that in the a/n. But thanks so so so so much for the feedback! I love it!
Comments 12
this is so good, can you make a sequel? *puppy eyes* pretty please.. with cherry on top :3
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I LOVE het!Jongkey! You should definitely write more! The sex was hot and your characterization is good and interesting. I love the way they play off of each other. It would be great to see more! :DDD
please, sequel.
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